Promise - Lucy x reader (angst)

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(a/n: this is heavy angst. just letting you know. like i made it super depressing and this takes place when they're around 17/18 just in case you think this prompt is weird. )

Lucy POV -

It was a Thursday evening when it happened. I couldn't even remember how it all came about since it just returned as flashing memories in my head.

We were on a case and I was teamed up with Y/n. George and Lockwood were downstairs in an old building. Y/n and I were exploring and checking for visitors.

"Promise you'll stay close?" Y/n asked me.

"I promise," I smiled at her.

I turned away for a second, I swear it was a second. Screams surrounded me. I was down on the floor. Pushed? I didn't know.

But there lay Y/n, lifeless and ghost touched. I'd never seen it up close before, a person who'd been ghost touched. She was pale blue, like she was freezing cold. Her eyes were still open and her hand was reaching out to me.

I think she saved me. I can't really remember.

George and Lockwood pulled me away from Y/n. They got me outside. They called DEPRAC.

I couldn't speak. I couldn't tell them anything. I just sat in the street too shocked to say anything.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to tell Lockwood that Y/n and I were dating. I wanted to cry because the one person in my life that understood me was gone.

I wanted to scream to the world that my lover was gone. I just sat there in the street, shaking.

DEPRAC came and took her away with hazmat suits and cleaned the area with salt sprayers. Lockwood had to pull me up and an inspector tried to get a statement out of me.

I was numb. All I heard was water in my ears, waves drowning out all sound except for my heartbeat and my blood rushing through my head.

Someone suggested I was ghost locked, I just turned to stare at them.

Lockwood took me home, George got me to the attic where I shared a room with Y/n.

My birthday was in a few days. Y/n had set out a small box that kept me so very curious to know what was inside.

I could only bring myself to sit on the edge of the bed after George left, staring at the little box.

It was two hours later when I moved from that spot. I got up and grabbed the box, a rectangle that just about fit in my hand.

For Lucy, the top of the box read. A piece of paper was attached to the bottom with a heart on the front. I took it off the box gently and opened it up.

Happy 17th birthday to my beautiful and loving girlfriend! We've made it this far and I'm hoping we can carry on forever. I'm not good with verbal communication so I thought I'd write you this little letter. Lucy, you have been by my side for two years and I continue to fall for you every day. You can be so stubborn sometimes but it just makes me admire you more. I didn't have much to buy you anything but I did get you something that will be worth more than a giant stuffed animal.

I love you forever and always, Y/n.

P.S. The skull helped me pick it out. He wasn't much help though :)

I felt the tears running down my face as I lifted a shaky hand and pulled open the box. A ring lay in the center of the box with another piece of paper under it. I lifted the ring, it was silver with a blue gemstone in the center. It had a tiny inscription on it. Lucy + Y/N. It reminded me of Annabel Ward's ring.

Cursed, I thought.

I lifted the paper from the box and opened it even slower than the first one.

Will you marry me? (it's a promise ring silly!), read the note.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I screamed a foul scream and sobbed as I held the cursed ring in my hands.

I was angry, so very angry because not only had I lost the love of my life, but I had lost my entire future and will to live.

George and Lockwood came running into my room. I was still sobbing and shaking but I didn't move to look at them.

"Lucy, are you alright?" George asked first.

Lockwood took the letter and note from in front of me and showed them to George. To say they were shocked was an understatement. They didn't know how to comfort me or that I was even with Y/n.

But I guess they felt just as guilty as I did.

They knew the truth, but it was too late. Y/n became just another name on the wall, an agent that died protecting London. Just another name to haunt me. Just another name to leave me. Just another name to devastate me. 

Just another name.

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