jealous - george x reader

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requested by @eeyebagsZ      (I kept your twist in btw)


I had known George for a long time. We grew up together training at Fittes. He was the only good part of training.

Until one day we were both fired for sneaking around and trying to get to a research level way ahead of our pay grade. He found work with a fairly new agency and took me along with him.

I was a great asset according to Lockwood. George said he fancied me. I'd always thought he was a bit loony for being so young and ambitious while all so secretive.

He offered me a room next to Georges and then he set out to get more employees. It was three months until Lucy showed up.

Lockwood probably thought she was a saint, walking in unannounced and all powerful.

I was happy to not be the only girl in the agency anymore. But then I had to worry.

George started to take a special interest in her, asking her questions about her life and her past work.

I wasn't jealous. I was never jealous. I just was suspicious of her and why she was so mysterious. Lockwood didn't seem to mind. I guess he loved how mysterious she was compared to him.

She never mentioned her family or her training or where she even came from. We knew her name and we knew she read the newspaper.

Lucy didn't mind working here. She had to sleep in the attic, which in my opinion was haunted by bad vibes.

We were all having breakfast at a diner today, Lockwoods treat after a successful case. I was sitting next to George and Lucy was next to Lockwood.

I don't know if it was just me but Lucy was staring at George again.

I mean, he was a pretty sight to look at but I couldn't help but feel angry at her.

Breakfast was fine. Everything was okay as we ate. But walking home, Lucy began to ask George questions about the skull and about her connection to it.

I simply pouted and walked next to Lockwood, who was very close with me.

"You look angry," Lockwood said to me.

"Well spotted," I replied, a bit snappy.

"Is this about breakfast? I told you not to get the extra eggs. Or the ice cream sundae. It's not even noon. And you're lactose intolerant," Lockwood rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry for enjoying myself.... Tony," I blasted him. He looked absolutely baffled, mind blown. Jaw to the floor.

"Y/n! You can't just call me Tony and expect to get away with it," Lockwood replied after composing himself.

"Yes, I can," I said, then started sprinting. "Sorry Anthony."

"You can't run away from me. I'm like a giraffe with severe mental issues," He yelled and took off after me.

Honestly, I thought I was winning when suddenly I felt his arms wrap around me and I was nearly tackled to the ground. We stumbled to a stop right at the steps of 35 Portland Row.

"You owe me some new socks. Preferably blue," Lockwood panted.

"Fine. But only because my boss pays me well."

Suddenly there was a cough and Lockwood turned around, pulling me with him since I was still in his grasp.

"You two look cozy," Lucy smiled.

As if we were water and oil, Lockwood and I separated super fast.

George and Lucy looked a bit startled and so did Lockwood and I.

Needless to say that we all entered the house very quietly and like mice, we retreated to our rooms.

I was sitting at my desk, reading a newspaper article about a type of tea that could apparently increase your abilities. It was obviously just a scam to get people to buy some (probably) nasty tea they couldn't sell.

I was in my room reading for another hour or so when I heard a small knock on the door.

"Come in," I replied, not looking up from my paper. I heard the door open and shut quickly and I looked up to see George. His face looked twisted, like he was painfully shitting. "Why do you look like that?" I asked.

"We need to talk," George replied, sitting down on my rug.

"Is it about your outfit?" I asked, eyeing his bunny slippers and plaid shirt with no trousers.

"No, look, Y/n, this is something serious I want to ask you," George looked solemn.

I only nodded. "Go on."

"Are you in love with Lockwood?" He asked.

I was honestly a little baffled. "Excuse me?"

"I'm only asking a question. A semi-serious question," George stared at me.

I started to giggle a bit and then I was on the floor on my side absolutely destroyed by laughter.

"You think it's funny or something?" George asked. "I'm only asking because I don't want to get the wrong signals from you."

I stopped laughing. "What are the wrong signals?"

"Whenever we're together, you always tense up and smile more and I figured that you might fancy me or something. But today, when I saw you with Lockwood, I figured you were just leading me on."

I sat up facing George. "First of all, you really won't believe this. But, Lockwood is my cousin actually. We've been close since we were kids. He's just different now. And second of all, I wasn't leading you on. I was just jealous. I thought you liked Lucy. It made my blood boil to be honest."

We both looked at each other. It took me a while to start talking but then I explained how my parents had left me growing up and how Lockwoods family was gone and how we'd only just found each other again. It was quite emotional for me but George listened.

We sat next to each other on the floor, with blankets around us and knees touching. 

Then George confessed how he'd always felt like an outcast and a weirdo in a family of engineers. 

We then sat quietly with each other for quite some time, just leaning on each other and taking in each others energy. 

"I quite like you George Karim. A lot."

"And I quite like you as well Y/n L/n. It's nice to know you're not in love with your cousin."

"You have a cute and funny way of making things awkward."

"Its the only way I can act around you," He smiled.

"You know i'll still get jealous Georgie."

"It's what I love about you y/n."

We cuddled together until the sun was no longer high in the sky and my room got dim. 

But I was content with George next to me. 

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