If I can't have you - George x reader

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Requested by @IcysLab

Do you ever meet someone and suddenly fall in love? Like, they say your name and the entire world stops around you. You're friends but you want to be way more than that? You're so in love that it makes you ache with joy every time they're near.

No matter what happens, you'd defend this person with your life. You love them in silence and have so much patience to wait for their love. It's an anticipation you just can't get enough of

That's how George Karim is to me.

And we have a job today, a dangerous sort of job. Lucy and Lockwood are paired up and George and I are paired up.

I was nervous and very much scared. Lockwood said that the job paid good and we needed that sort of money at the moment.

We were visiting an old church in the countryside. It didn't seem like a dangerous job at first, not until George did his research.

It turns out that there had been some sort of freak accident of some type. A candle fell during a sermon and lit some cleaning supplies on fire, effectively poisoning and then burning everyone inside.

Authorities say it was accidental. No survivors were left but the stone church stood where it was abandoned.

Then the Problem started and the houses around the church had all but been abandoned.

No one was interested in the church, not until a development company wanted to buy the land to make some houses.

Lockwood only got the job because he knew someone's sister's aunt's best friend's cousin or something like that. He had connections is what I'm saying.

We were on the seven o'clock train to a nearby village when I fell asleep. Being an agent didn't exactly give me a good sleep schedule.

Up for five hours, down for two, up for twelve, down for 15, up for one, down for three. It wasn't healthy and it wasn't fair but it paid me and the others.

I felt the train coming to a stop and someone shaking me awake. "Come on, y/n. Lockwoods in a bad mood right now. And Lucy wants to get some coffee."


I opened my eyes to George, which, honestly, was a wonderful sight to wake up to.

"Lucy couldn't wait another two minutes?" I asked, stretching and standing up.

"Well, Lockwood went to find a taxi. Lucy wanted coffee to stay up for the next five hours and I couldn't just leave you."

"M, kay."

I grabbed my duffle bag and George and I left the train and onto the surprisingly busy platform.

George and I found Lockwood and Lucy trying and failing to get a taxi to take us to the haunted church.

"No one wants to drive over there. It's a forbidden place." Lucy told us.

Lockwood came running over suddenly. "I found a driver. He'll take up but we have to go now. No one goes there after dark."

We all agreed and George carried my bags to a waiting blue car. The man Lockwood was talking to seemed about sixty or so. He was clearly on edge as Lockwood negotiated a price with him.

We got into the car and I was still tired but very wary. The way everyone was talking about this place made me very nervous. My sleepiness wasn't helping.

The man driving introduced himself as Ron. I didn't care much for his story about the haunted church because I've read all about it with George. Instead, I just rested against George's shoulder. He didn't mind and if he did then he didn't complain.

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