Be tired with me - Lockwood x OC

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(my oc Charlie Wheeler is also in my Eddie Munson Fic but I just love her personality so I had to include her)   This is Part ONE of this one shot because I made it too long

It had been nearly a month or so since Lucy and I joined Lockwood and Co. We agreed to run away after being blamed for the death of our friends. Lucy was devastated more than I was and I could understand.

She was blamed the most, only because her abilities were stronger than ours. And Lucy blamed herself the most, even if she didn't say it.

I had only transferred to Jacobs agency a few months before the incident and Lucy had known our friends for far longer than that.

We shared the attic together and Lucy made sure to hang up pictures of our friends.

"It's to inspire us," She had told me on the first night we were here. "They deserved to be with us Charlie, to become the greatest."

I had only nodded and added a picture of my little brother James next to Norrie's smiling face.

I had woken up before Lucy and her arm was twisted somewhere near my ankle. There was sunlight streaming through the curtains that were hastily pulled to cover the window.

We were investigating Combe Carey Hall today and I felt on edge. My seeing and touching abilities were messing with my head and it made me weary.

I had told Lockwood this after meeting with Sir John Fairfax yesterday. He just smiled at me and said it was nerves from our last case going horribly wrong.

In my defense, the house catching on fire wasn't my fault. But Lucy using a magnesium flare indoors was partially my fault. I misread the label and then put it with our supplies.

I walked downstairs to find Lockwood in the kitchen making the four of us tea.

"Morning," I yawned as my eyes adjusted to the brightness in the kitchen.

"Morning Charlie," Lockwood nodded and handed me my cup of Earl Grey with two sugars already stirred in. "Are you ready for Fairfax's job today?"

"I need at least five more minutes of sleep but Lucy contorts her body like a maniac so I've come here to energize with jam and toast," I sat down at the table, picking up a marker and doodling a few flowers.

"I've told you that you can borrow my bed for a few days, at least until you can properly function without falling asleep in the Archives again," Lockwood looked at me as he drank his tea, no sugar, just black.

"And I've already told you that as the head of the agency, you need more sleep. I'm just the chain slinger and occasionally an agent with decent abilities."

"Charlie, we could go on for hours debating this but once we finish the job tonight, you're getting a solid nine hours of sleep," Lockwood looked at me seriously. "You're an asset to us right now. And maybe if you're lucky, I'll let you back in the library to stay up and read past nine."

"Well, now you're just spoiling me," I looked down at the wonky flowers and misshapen petals I had drawn next to my tea cup.

It was weird that Lockwood and I were the same age and I'd only known him for a month and he was my boss. I was living in his house with people that seemed strange to me. But I guess it was better than being at home. The death glows in one house were far more than a teenager had ever needed to see.

But at Lockwood's house, there was something off about it. Whenever I touched the walls, I felt safe but also exposed all at once. It was a bit much but I never questioned Lockwood about it. Lucy, on the other hand, was so persistent that he was hiding something.

Lockwood and Co. One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now