Be tired with me - Lockwood x OC

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"Charlie, wake up!" I heard Lockwood's voice and he nudged me. "Charlie!"

I opened my eyes slowly and tried to sit up but I was gently pushed back down.

"Good god, how much was that bomb flare?" I asked. My head was pounding.

"Enough to blow up the sources and save our lives," Lockwood grinned.

"George, wake up," Lucy was next to George and I heard a slap.

"Why couldn't you slap them? I'm perfectly fine," George groaned.

"We need to get out of here. It was a trap," Lockwood reached into his pocket. He pulled out an old photo. "See here."

"Fairfax knew Annabel?" Lucy took the photo and examined it before showing it to George and I.

"I don't just think he knew her. I think he was with her," Lockwood coughed.

I finally managed to sit up with Lockwood's help and I rested against his arm.

"We need to go, now," Lucy looked frightened.

"But where? Fairfax'll surely be waiting with a shovel and some rope. I'm too young to get thrown in a ditch and buried alive," I panicked.

"Hey, love, look at me. It'll be alright," Lockwood held my chin and our eyes locked. "We'll get you out of here and fixed up. And then, we can take a very long and well deserved nap."

"Promise, Anthony?" I asked in a whisper that only he could hear. When I said his name, there was no malice behind it, just raw emotion.

"I promise, Char," Lockwood smiled and then helped me up.

"We can climb out of there. I think that's the hallway," George looked at the map that somehow was still with him. "From there we can grab out stuff and sneak out the back door. It'll be a way's walk to the nearest village but I'm assuming that they have a cab to take us back to the train station."

Lucy climbed up the rubble and started to tear the stone down. George followed suit and Lockwood helped me to climb up. He was the first one in the hallway followed by George, Lucy and then me.

We turned into the abandoned dining room only to see Fairfax standing there with a gun pointed at us.

"Stop right where you are," Fairfax raised it up. Lockwood pushed me out of the way and carefully stood his ground.

My mind went numb. This was it, this was how it ended. I'd be seeing James soon. I'd see Paul and everyone else that died in the incident. I'd be free.

But a shout pulled me out of my fog.

"Lockwood, he'll kill you," George begged as Fairfax moved closer to Lockwood.

"Just give me the ring and it'll all be fine boy," Fairfax stood firm.

"I already told you, I don't have it," Lockwood looked defeated.

"Lockwood please," I cried out as Lockwood prepared for the impact of the bullet.

"Wait! Wait!" Lucy sprung up in front of Lockwood, stepping boldly close to Fairfax. "This is what you want, isn't it?"

"Luce, you didn't," George looked at her, absolutely bewildered.

She took the ring out of the locket while I stood crouched next to George in fear.

"Annabel's been waiting a long time to see you," Lucy threw the ring up.

Now, in any normal world, I would have just about died since a ring wasn't going to protect us. I would have rather chosen the shovel and rope for some measly way to end.

But no.

Annabel Ward's ghost appeared in the air above Fairfax and although he couldn't see it, he could very well feel it. He put on these ridiculous looking goggles and looked absolutely horrified as Annabel dove into his chest, sucking every ounce of life from him.

He dropped dead at Lucy's feet. But I was so exhausted that I couldn't even process what was going on. Lockwood hauled me up and I held onto his arm as if my life depended on it.

Ellie ran towards the door only to be met with DEPRAC agents. Inspector Barnes appeared in the doorway and motioned for us to follow him so we all walked out. George and Lucy tried to grab our stuff but two agents confiscated it.

An agent took me from Lockwood to a medical van and they cleaned up my wound and also gave me some very painful stitches.

"Thank you," I mumbled out as I hobbled to where Lockwood and the others were.

"I've already told you everything we know," Lockwood was arguing with Inspector Barnes.

"Can't we just go home?" I asked, yawning.

"You're actually under arrest. All four or you are," Barnes looked pissed.

"Screw you then," I just wanted to go home, take a warm shower, and pass out.

"Kipps, take them out," Barnes instructed.

"Fancy seeing you here, Charlene," Kipps grinned at me.

"Oh shut it, Quill," I rolled my eyes at him. Lockwood held me up firmly as we were escorted into a DEPRAC holding van.

"How do you know Kipps?" George asked.

"Long story short, he's my step brother," I hope my face looked as disgusted as I felt because I hated, and I mean absolutely hated, admitting that he was my step brother. "No time for an explanation but I'll explain anyway since I know George'll ask later. My mother married his father, and they had a little boy together. Quill got jealous but left at the right time for Fittes. I trained at a local agency and then transferred because of, well, a situation. Met Lucy, another incident happened. Now I'm here."

"Charlene Ann Wheeler, you mean to tell us that this whole time, we've been going against your dick head step brother just to keep this agency floating?" George looked upset but then looked out of the window. "Oi, what's the deputy commissioner doing here at five in the morning?"

"Don't know."

"Maybe he's come to arrest us and confiscate everything?"

"Why're they taking stuff away?"

"Maybe it's because we broke several violations?"

"Or maybe it's because this is a mansion built on sacrificial burial grounds and owned by a psychotic, dead, rich guy."

"Jeez, Charlie."

"Sorry not sorry."

The front of the van opened and Inspector Barnes stood there, looking grief stricken.

"Inspector, what the hell is going on?"

"You're not being arrested. Not if you sign these."

He handed us official DEPRAC papers.

"NDA's? Non disclosure agreements? You want to pretend like this never happened?"

"Look, Mr. Lockwood. I don't even know what is going on. Just, please, if you really are smart, you'll sign."

I looked at Lockwood, who only nodded and we signed the forms.

"That's the first smart thing I've seen you do," Barnes said. "They have your address."

He stepped out of the van, knocked on the door and we slowly started driving away from Combe Carey Hall.

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