Breathtaking - Kipps x Reader

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(part 4 of 4)

Quill pulled me to the side near the balcony and I just had a glimpse of Lockwood and Lucy running away.

"Do you want to get out of here?" I asked, a little grin tugging at my lips.

He looked a bit startled but soon he was grinning. "Why? You don't want to dance under the salt with me, my love?"

I felt my face heat up at the name. "Don't get me wrong Kippy. I would really love to. But I don't think dancing in salt while people scream around us is particularly romantic, Quill."

"Well, how about I take us down to somewhere especially romantic? A bit more exclusive to just us?" He leaned close and whispered in my ear.

I nodded and he led me down the staircase leading towards the exit. The blood was rushing through my head and I felt all giddy inside.

Instead of leaving the building though, he turned down a corridor I didn't even notice before. It led to a regular hallway with no source detector lights flashing or salt dispensers turning. The loud voices from the ball guests had faded to a small murmur.

We went down some steps and ended up in a dimly lit room with a few couches and some unplugged vending machines.

"What is this place?" I looked around, taking in the room.

Kipps smiled at me, a bit shy now. "Fittes' old break room for the agents. We got a new one last year so now I mainly use it for thinking. No one comes down here because it's not up to code, clearly."

He was right. There were no salt sprinklers, fire sprinklers, emergency alarms or source detectors. It was just like a living room but a bit cooler and dustier. A clock ticked on the wall, it was a few minutes off. The lighting was a bit wonky but I was glad the lighting was dim so Quill couldn't see how flustered I was.

I sat down on the couch closest to me. It was dull gray like those ugly Fittes uniforms Kipps had to wear.

Quill sat next to me and we just kind of sat there for a bit in the awkward silence.

"Would you consider going out on a proper date with me?" He asked after a while.

"Wasn't this a proper date?" I asked. I looked at him and saw he had a bunch of salt pieces in his hair. I moved to ruffle his hair but then realized we'd gotten a bit close. "I mean, your hair is filled with salt and I'm clearly a bit flustered with your constant chivalry."

"Well, clearly I'm doing something right," Quill leaned in a bit closer. I pulled him closer by the collar of his suit. "Do you want to?" He asked.

"Only if you do," I breathed out shakily.

"God, you don't know what you do to me, y/n," Quill pulled me close.

Our lips came crashing down onto each other. It was a bit clumsy and weird but I liked it. This was my first kiss.

Nineteen and never been kissed sounds like a book series that George would read.

But I did have to say, Quill Kipps was a good kisser. Despite being a little weird and a bit provocative towards Lockwood, he was a good guy, quite attractive, well spoken and also had feelings which surprised even me.

I pulled apart from the kiss first, my face warm and feeling every bit as flustered and nervous.

"Was that okay?" I asked tentatively.

Quill just smiled, "Oh, that was more than okay. It was breathtaking."

I was the one to kiss him again. This time, the kiss was more passionate. I think I knew what I was doing but I didn't really know.

Kipps pulled me in by my waist so that our bodies were compressed together on the couch. I felt his heart beating fast and I'm sure he felt mine.

I let out a soft moan and then freaked out because I'd never done that before, at least not in front of someone. I pulled away quickly. "Sorry," I didn't know if I should be embarrassed or worried. Probably both.

"Y/n, love, it's natural. It happens to all of us. No one except me is going to hear you. I don't mind. And you definitely shouldn't be sorry about it. It's cute," Quill encouraged.

I was taken aback a bit. As much as I hate saying this, I don't think I've ever felt really cared for as much as right now.

"Okay," I loosened up a bit.

"Come here," Kipps pulled me onto his lap, so I was straddling him.

"I do really have to leave in a bit," I told him, as I glanced at the clock.

"Then let's make those last few minutes worthwhile," Kipps grinned.

I smiled sheepishly and we went back to making out.

Now, I know Quill and I are adults but I'm going to keep it kid friendly when I say that I wish I could have stayed in that dingy room forever.

But Lockwood and the gang needed me to get the Bone Glass.

So after about another twenty minutes, I had to leave. Kipps got me a taxi and I got his personal Fittes office number.

He also promised brunch at that small cafe or fish and chips, my choice.

But as I drove off towards the river, all I could think about was how he made me breathless and how I took his breath away.

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