I wanna be yours - Lockylye

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requested by @_NorthernDusk_ 

Lucy had been at the agency for a year now. They were all more or less considered adults. Being older than fifteen meant that you were old enough to fight visitors by yourself but young enough that you still had your abilities.

Being older than fifteen meant that your death rate went up by sixty three percent. Statistics showed that one in forty child agents died every time they went out on a mission.

Lucy was older than fifteen and so were Lockwood and George. They had managed to stay afloat even after all of their near death experiences. Lockwood knew their time would soon be coming to an end and they needed to train more agents, get some semblance of their future.

The trio hated even the thought of bringing more children into the field but, of course, they were an agency and Lockwood wanted to keep children without any family safe.

Lucy agreed that if a child with abilities had no home, they would be trained at Lockwood and Co. and the trio would help aid them in fighting visitors.

George loved the idea of being able to share his knowledge with children and tell them his theories of the problem.

Lucy and Lockwood were close now, closer than they had ever been. They were working overtime and staying up at odd hours of the night and even during the day.

George was more in charge of finding clients now, he had a knack for charming people.

Lockwood would never admit it to her face, but when Lucy kept him company, he felt his heart practically beat out of his chest.

And honestly, Lucy felt the same. But since they were so very sleep deprived, they couldn't even process each others feelings.

George noticed but just thought they didn't want to embarrass him.

There was obvious tension in the house and each day and night it only got stronger.

One night in particular, Lockwood was going over some paperwork to be able to start training younger agents.

Lucy was sitting next to him reading an old Shakespeare book she found in the attic bedroom.

They were in the kitchen drinking warm tea and eating toast with jam. Lockwood was sitting next to Locy elbow to elbow and knee to knee.

They were so incredibly comfortable with each other and it didn't even bother George, who was currently experimenting on the skull with some matches and a bit of salt.

Lucy was tapping her foot randomly to a little melody that was in her head when suddenly she felt Lockwood's slender hand come to rest upon her knee.

She stilled a bit and a rosy hue bloomed upon her cheeks. Lockwood made her feel different, calmer and relaxed.

Lucy took a chance and put her hand on top of his underneath the table.

It was at this time that George noticed their hands under the table and Lucy's reddened face. "No worries about me. I'll be leaving now."

George waggled his eyebrows and pushed up his glasses before taking the skull out of the kitchen and going upstairs to his room.

Lockwood and Lucy both spoke at the same time. "We need to talk."

They chuckled before Lockwood motioned for Lucy to speak first.

"What are we, Lockwood? Are we friends or are we stupid teenage lovers?" Lucy asked, hope in her eyes and nerves in her chest.

Lockwood looked nervous suddenly and he felt dumbfounded, no words came to mind.

"I want to be yours, Luce."

Lockwoods words tumbled out of his mouth before he could even process what saying those words could mean for them.

Lucy smiled, a nervous yet somehow confident smile.

"I fancy you quite a bit Lockwood. I just figured it'd be awkward since we work together."

"Luce, you're the best part of my day and you're the shining stars at night. You're my reason to keep on living and my motivation to want to go home after a job. It's you Luce, it's always been you," Lockwood grinned.

Lucy and Lockwood were facing each other, each with an ear splitting grin on their faces. Lucy interlocked her hands with Lockwoods fingers and they were mere inches apart.

"I want to kiss you so bad but I feel like I need to take you on a date first," Lockwood confessed.

"I'm not busy tomorrow. The cafe is only down the street," Lucy suggested.

"Deal. I'll pick you up at one," Lockwood blushed.

"It's a date then," Lucy smiled.

"It's a date."

They settled back into their seats, both giddy now and full of love.

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