Nightmares - George x Reader

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Requested by: @Addison753497


I've been having nightmares ever since we stopped the ghosts at Combe Carey Hall. They're mostly flashbacks at first but each one keeps getting more brutal and it seems too real.

I wake up screaming but it's short lived screaming because I don't want to wake up anyone else. I realize I'm awake, I stay up for a bit with my light on, I fall back asleep, I have a nightmare, rinse and repeat.

But tonight was particularly bad.

We were in the old monastery and the monks chanting was too much for me. Lucy jumped down the well and died. Lockwood fell, hit his head on a rock and died. George lost his glasses, got ghost touched and died. But I lived. I watched their lifeless bodies in this nightmare. I would find a way out only to end up in that room again. I had to stare at the people I loved and watch them die over and over again. Maybe I was the real monster.

I woke up crying and screaming again. But this time George was there. I thought he was a ghost at first but then he turned on my lamp and I saw the concern in his face.

I was embarrassed but it calmed me a bit.

"Are you okay?" George asked me.

"Just another nightmare," I sighed, wiping my tears.

"I've been hearing you wake up in the night for weeks now. It's not just another nightmare, y/n, you can tell me about it," George said.

"I shouldn't be bothering you," I said even though I was visibly shaking now.

"Can I sit next to you?" George asked.

"Sure," I nodded.

We both sat up in my bed quietly for a few moments before he spoke.

"How bad was it?" George asked me.

I looked at him, trying not to cry again but I couldn't help it. Tears rolled down my face as I recounted the awful nightmare.

"You were all dead. In Combe Carey hall. Just watched you die over and over again," I sniffled out between quiet sobs. "I couldn't even do anything. I couldn't hold your bodies and cry, I was just there."

George was quiet for a moment before he picked up a blanket from the bottom of my bed and wrapped me in it.

"But you survived. We all did. And you're here with me. That's all that matters. It's exhausting doing what we do and you deserve more credit for being so strong," George said, pulling me closer.

His arms were so comforting and he was warm and felt safe. He felt like home.

"How do you always know what to say?" I asked him.

"I read a lot of books. My favorite is 101 ways to comfort people," George replied.

I chuckled.

"That was a joke," He said. "I was trying to be funny."

"Oh, I know. It was just a horrible joke." I yawned a bit and felt sleepy. "You should go. I don't want to fall asleep on you."

"I'll stay here just in case you have another nightmare, deal?"

"Deal. Just me here when I wake up. Okay?"

"I'd never leave you."

I closed my eyes and fell asleep and for the first time in weeks, I didn't have a nightmare.

All thanks to George Karim

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