Chapter 44 ~

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After Violetta pulled away from Leon he went home and she was pouring something to drink as she was thirsty, her phone rang when she looked at the caller Id she saw Tomas's name on her phone.

Violetta: Hello?

Tomas: Violetta, hey.

Violetta: Hey, Tomas what do you want?

Tomas: Violetta you have to do the show.

Violetta: No, I can't Tomas, my dad needs me at his wedding.

Tomas: Violetta this is your moment you have to do the show.

Violetta: Tomas, I've already had this conversation with Leon and I can't because even Leon told me I had to go to the wedding.

Tomas: What the hell does Leon know? No, you don't have to go to the wedding Violetta, what Leon wants is he wants you far away so he can kiss Ludmila.

Violetta: Tomas!!! Leon loves me and he even told me he wanted to come with me but I told him to do the show without me.

Tomas: I'll come with you then.

Violetta: No, Tomas you have to do the show I can't let you come with me.

Tomas: You just want to be there on your own.

Violetta: Yes, Tomas I don't need anyone here to hold my hand I can survive on my own.

She hung up and went up to her room as she was writing in her diary, her dad walked into her room.

Herman: Hey, honey, how are you?

Violetta: I'm good, Dad how are you?

Herman: I have to say I am nervous about tomorrow.

Violetta: But dad... you are going to be fine as long as you were happy.

Herman: Of course, I'll be happy because I have you by my side too.

Violetta grabbed his hand and they hugged.

Herman: Goodnight honey see you in the morning.

Violetta: Goodnight Dad.

She lay down with her diary in her hand.

While she fell asleep she dreamt of Leon and Tomas singing more tears

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While she fell asleep she dreamt of Leon and Tomas singing more tears.

It soon became morning Violetta got up and ready for breakfast as they made their way to the venue where the wedding was being held, they were getting ready in the dressing room and Jade was with Violetta since she was helping her get ready.

A Best friend or A Boyfriend  *Tomletta and Leonetta*Where stories live. Discover now