Chapter 18 ~

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After Violetta pulled away from Leon, she went home, she couldn't help but think about Tomas and Leon was she right to lie to Tomas about being with Leon? Once she had dinner with her family, she went up to bed as she fell asleep.

As it turned morning Violetta was in the kitchen getting some juice to go with her breakfast, when she looked up at the kitchen back door she saw Tomas and he walked in.
Violetta: Tomas, what you doing here?

 Violetta: Tomas, what you doing here?

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Tomas: I have something for you.

Violetta: For me?

Tomas took the sign up sheet for the studio and put it on the counter but Violetta looked at but she knew by signing up for the studio her dad won't be happy but she will get to see Leon everyday and spend time with him, and learn about music which is her passion.

Tomas took the sign up sheet for the studio and put it on the counter but Violetta looked at but she knew by signing up for the studio her dad won't be happy but she will get to see Leon everyday and spend time with him, and learn about music whic...

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Violetta: Tomas why are you giving me this you know my dad wouldn't allow.

Tomas: What happened to the girl who told me in the restaurant that she was going to sign up for the studio without her dad knowing?

Violetta: But Tomas things have changed I'm already going to the studio for piano lessons it's not like I'm not in there.

Tomas: But wouldn't it be better just to become a student and be there all the time instead of one day a week? You get to see me everyday and your other friends.

While they were talking in the kitchen Violetta could hear her dad coming into the kitchen makin her hide the sign up sheet for the studio.

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A Best friend or A Boyfriend  *Tomletta and Leonetta*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora