Chapter 1 ~

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Violetta was meeting her best friend Tomas at the cafe since that's where they always meet after Tomas finishes school, since Violetta is homeschooled because of always travelling she never really got the chance to go to school and meet friends the only reason she met Tomas was just by bumping into him in the street when she went out grocery shopping with Olga.

Tomas: Ah, Violetta you came.

Violetta: Of course, don't I always?

Tomas: I thought you would have been busier with school than be here with me.

Violetta: Tomas, you are my best friend I will always have time for you; besides, I need to talk to you.

Tomas: About what?

Violetta: I'm thinking of auditioning for Studio 21, what do you think?

Tomas: Really? What about your dad? I thought he didn't want you anywhere near music since your mom.

Violetta: Tomas, I can't just stay homeschooled for the rest of my life what kind of life would I have, I must try otherwise what's the point of living if I'm trapped in my house forever?

Tomas: Well, are you going to talk to your dad about it?

Violetta: What's the point he's just going to tell me no?

Tomas: So, what are you going to do?

Violetta: I'll tell Ramallo and then just keep it secret from my dad until it's the right time to tell him.

Tomas: isn't that wrong? Because wouldn't he be mad at you? He will never forgive you.

Violetta: Well, he will just have to get used to it, at the end of the day I'm getting older, and I need friends in my life otherwise it's going to be a lonely life.

Tomas: Only if you're sure you know what you are doing, I can't argue with you.

Violetta: I know what I'm doing, anyway how's the band going are you and Laura performing much?

Tomas: We have a gig tonight in fact will you be able to be our roadie and paint the van our new band name?

Violetta: Of course, I would love to, but have you noticed that Laura is always looking at you?

Tomas: What? No, she is just my friend.

Violetta: Tomas, don't you see a girl crushing on you right in front of you?

Tomas: *Knows she doesn't mean herself* Laura is just my friend and band mate that's it.

Violetta: Okay, whatever you say, anyway I must go my dad will be calling me to see if I'm home yet.

Tomas: Okay.

Violetta: Bye, Tomas. *Kisses her cheek*

Tomas: Bye Violetta.

As Violetta went home and saw Olga and her tutor Agatha.

Olga: Oh, my little girl it's your birthday tomorrow.

Agatha: 16 years old, a teenager.

Violetta: I'm already a teenager Agatha, which reminds me I might ask dad if I can join a school now that I'm 16 I think it's time I start doing things like meeting friends and having an education.

Olga: I don't think your dad will let you out of his sight honey, you know what he's like, he's overprotective of you since your mom died.

Violetta: Well, he needs to let me live my life I can't just be cooped up all day because my dad is scared, I'm going to get hurt I'm not a piece of glass.

Agatha: Come on, Violetta we have lessons to do come on before your dad comes and shouts at you.

Violetta: You're right let's go.

As they were about to go through the door, Agatha bumped the door into the birthday cake that Olga took out of the oven.

Agatha: *Screams* Ahhh, who opened the door?

Violetta: Agatha, are you okay?

Agatha: Do I look okay? I have cake on my face.

Violetta gave a cloth to Agatha and Herman walked in seeing Agatha with cake on her face.

Herman: Oh, Agatha how did that happen?

Violetta: Someone opened the door and she fell into the cake *Holds in her laughing*

Olga: Violetta don't laugh. *Can't keep a straight face*

Violetta: You can talk.

As Agatha was cleaning off the cake on her face, Violetta went upstairs to get ready for her studies, as she was waiting for Agatha her phone pinged as she looked at her phone, she saw Tomas's I'd.

T: Hey, there's a party at our studio if you want to come since it's your birthday.

V: I don't think my dad will allow me; you know what he's like Tomas...

T: Come on, Violetta it's not every day you turn sixteen Besides you were saying earlier you need to start living your life so live it.

V: You're right, I'll ask my dad if I can besides it'll be fun.

T: Atta girl, let me know what he says.

V: I will.

As she finished texting Agatha came up and she did her studies then she had to talk to her dad to let her go to a party with Tomas.

She went into the kitchen and saw her dad as she leaned on the counter to talk to her dad, Agatha walked in with her bag and had a conversation with Herman before going up to finish Violetta's studies.

Herman: Agatha?

Violetta: Where is Agatha going?

Herman: She quit, she can't do this anymore, so I've found someone else for you to do your studies still.

Violetta: Isn't it time I went to a proper school? I'm 16 Dad it's time I start acting like one instead of being homeschooled what kind of life is this? Would Mom want you to do this to me? No, she would want me to go to school and make friends not be cooped up in a house like some princess locked in a tower.

Herman didn't say anything as he knew her mom wouldn't want this, but it was the only way to keep her safe and stop her from getting hurt.

Herman: No, Violetta, you are better at home where I can keep an eye on you.

Violetta: Keep an eye on me. What do you think I'm going to do leave the house and turn into a slut on drugs I'm 16 Dad I need friends of my own, not grown-ups, which is why I'm going to a party with Tomas since it's still my birthday.

Herman: We are already throwing you a party.

Violetta: Whose friends are going to be there Hmm? Yours and Jade's friends that's right I only have one friend and I am going to spend my birthday with him, do what you're like you enjoy your party but I'm going out.

Herman: Violetta Maria Castillo get back here now.

As she walked away to get ready for the party with Tomas, Jade and Herman's guests started to arrive and Violetta's new tutor went upstairs to see Violetta but saw her change ready to go out.

Angie: Where are you going?

Violetta: Oh, let me guess, Dad told you to spy on me?

Angie: I'm your new tutor, Violetta, I'm Angie.

Violetta: I don't need another tutor I need to go to school like a normal teenager.

Angie: Violetta, come on now.

Violetta: Bye Angie.

She made her way out the kitchen door and went to meet up with Tomas.

A/N: ~
Thank you for reading.


A Best friend or A Boyfriend  *Tomletta and Leonetta*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora