Chapter 7 ~

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The next morning ~
Herman was talking to Olga while Angie walked in, and Violetta came downstairs, they were all in bad moods, as Angie was cheery.

Angie: Morning.

Herman: Morning.

Angie: What's wrong?

Herman: Nothing, just the fact that I have had a morning that's all, and with Violetta acting out I don't know what to do.

Violetta walked by while Herman looked down, as Angie talked to her, she was also in a bad mood because of Tomas.

Angie: What is with everyone this morning?

Ramallo: *Happy* I have some good news for Violetta, the piano teacher confirmed, and he is allowing you to have private lessons at the studio.

Angie: What? *Shocked*

Violetta: Don't worry, I can see it bothers you like dad, I won't go.

Angie: What, I don't have a problem with it, I never said it bothered me.

Herman: Violetta, you wanted piano lessons and now you don't?

Violetta: Look, it doesn't matter besides Tomas is there and I wouldn't want to crash his territory.

She went upstairs and Angie was going to say something, but Herman got angry at her for always sticking her nose in.

Angie: Well, that makes sense I guess she doesn't want to take someone's spotlight.

Herman: Angie, now is not the time for jokes, I knew i shouldn't have listened to you or Jade, she isn't ready to study outside the house, so stop sticking your nose in.

Angie: Right, she isn't ready, more like you're not ready to let her go.

Herman looked at her and Angie looked away as he walked away, Ramallo left, and Angie went to see Pablo at the studio. Meanwhile, at the studio, the guys were practising their songs for their assignment show with Pablo, after class, they then had to decide on what they were going to wear which landed up in an argument as usual.

Naty: Why don't we just wear our clothes that will we express ourselves and express who we are as a group?

They disagreed but Ludmila stuck up for Naty making everyone look at her.

Ludmila: No, I think that's a promising idea, we will go with that.

They agreed and left, leaving Ludmila and Naty in the Zoom talking.

Ludmila: I'm sorry Naty.

Naty: Ludmila, you've been an awful friend and considering I am the only friend you got, you treat me as if I'm just your assistant.

Ludmila: Naty, you are like a sister to me, when my mom is always harsh to me, you are always someone I can turn especially because you are the only one who believes in me and makes me feel like I am doing what my mom should be proud of.

Naty: Ludmila, your best friend of course I believe in you, but you must stop being such a spoilt diva because it will ruin our friendship and your relationship with Leon if you are not careful.

Ludmila: I'm glad we are good again.

Ludmila hugged her and Naty hugged her back.

Naty: Me too, Ludmila.

When Angie went to the Studio to see Pablo about letting Violetta attend piano lessons at the studio, she wasn't happy since she didn't want Violetta to know that she taught there.

Angie: Pablo, you should've told me that you were accepting her with Piano lessons because now I can't be here.

Pablo: I did it because the girl is talented which is what you always tell me, I did it for you, Angie.

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