Chapter 3 ~

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As she was walking, she came back to the Studio, and she just stood in front of the studio and watched students walking into the studio for their classes until she walked backwards to go home and bumped into Camila and Francesca.

Violetta: Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going.

Francesca: Hey, Violetta, are you auditioning here?

Violetta: No, I just went for a walk to get some air and I turned up here.

Camila: It's great to see you again, it's a shame you're not studying here, seeing you at the party last night really made you feel part of us.

Francesca: Yeah, you belong here it's you're calling.

Violetta: Well, thank you but my dad would be angry with me if I attended here since my mom passed away my dad hasn't exactly liked me following my mom's footsteps, but he just allows me to piano lessons.

Francesca: Oh, well it's a shame, but we must go to class see you soon.

As they went to class, Violetta went back to the house, meanwhile, Leon was walking in with his girlfriend on his arm.

Ludmila: Lion, where is your head, my love? Are you still thinking about that girl you met at the party?

Leon: I've never seen her before, but she reminds me of someone.

Ludmila: Remind you of who my love is?

Leon: Nothing, it doesn't matter, I'm all yours my love.

Ludmila: Good, Lion because we must do an assignment with those monkeys, and I need your full focus.

Naty: Hey, you two how are you?

Andres: Leon, I need your help.

Ludmila: Oh, Andres you always need Leon to get you out of trouble.

Leon: What have you done now?

Andres: What? How do you know I've done something?

Leon: Because you are you Andres.

Andres: Good point and I haven't done anything, but I like this girl and I need help with advice.

Leon: You need advice on a girl?

Ludmila: Naty and I are going to our locker, bye my love.

Leon: Bye.

Andres: Help me?

Leon: Oh, Andres, I need your help as well.

Andres: Why? What could you need help with your great talking to girls besides dating the popular girl?

Leon: Andres I can't get that girl out of my head, since I bumped into her.

Andres: What girl?

Leon: You know that girl I bumped into?

Andres: Leon!!! You with Ludmila.

Leon: I care about Ludmila, but she was special you know, and I have never felt like that before especially when I saw Ludmila I didn't feel the way I felt towards her.

Andres: Leon, you know this messed up right?

Leon: Of course, I know it's messed up, but it's how I feel.

Andres: So why don't you ask Tomas about her since she was at the party was him?

Leon: Wait a minute you think Tomas is best friends with her?

Andres: Yeah, didn't you say you've seen her before?

As the bell rang, they went to class and Beto walked into the class, as the classes started Leon was trying to concentrate but he couldn't.

A Best friend or A Boyfriend  *Tomletta and Leonetta*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt