Chapter 13 ~

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As Violetta went home and saw her dad in her room she looked at her dad, and he was looking at a picture of her as a little girl with her mom.

Violetta: Dad? Is everything okay?

Herman: Yes, honey everything's fine but I want to talk to you about something.

Violetta: Oh, no.

Herman: Don't worry it's nothing, bad honey.

Violetta: Ah okay.

Herman: I wanted to talk to you about Leon.

Violetta: Leon? What about him?

Herman: What would you say to invite him and his parents over for dinner Mm? As it's been a while since we've seen his parents beside me and his dad has business to discuss.

Violetta: But...

Herman: It's one night, Violetta can you be nice for one night?

Violetta: Of course dad, but what brought this on?

Herman: Well, seeing him that night with bringing you home I thought maybe it would be good for you to have another friend as Leon he's not a bad person.

Violetta: Is it something wrong with you? As you have never been this chilled back whenever a guy is involved?

Herman: Well, your right I need to start thinking about you and what you want, and I'm not saying you have to date him or anything I just thought it would be good for you to know his family.

Violetta: Okay, dad and thank you for being so understanding but how long will this last?

Herman: Till the end of the night.

As she laughed she hugged her dad and he hugged him back.

When she pulled away from her dad, he left and invited Leon's family over for dinner, Violetta was in her room writing in her diary, until her dad called upstairs since Leon and his parents arrived

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When she pulled away from her dad, he left and invited Leon's family over for dinner, Violetta was in her room writing in her diary, until her dad called upstairs since Leon and his parents arrived.

Violetta: Coming.

She got changed and went downstairs she didn't know why she was nervous it was not like she hasn't spoken to a guy before it was just like talking to Tomas but the difference was she never fancied Tomas the way she could fancy Leon.

Herman: Ah Cindy Vargas and David Vargas this is my daughter Violetta.

Cindy: Wow, don't you look like your mom? You have her hair and her eyes.

Violetta: You knew my mom?

Cindy: Of course, I and your mom were bests friends, your mom and dad were very close with us.

Violetta: How come I never knew that?

Herman: Because you never asked, anyway can I offer you a drink?

Cindy: Red wine if you have any?

Herman: I will see what we have, please make yourself comfortable.

As Cindy and David were getting to Violetta, Leon was texting on his phone he wasn't interested in this whole get-together.

Violetta: Leon?

Cindy: Leon, get off your phone, Violetta is talking to you.

Leon: Sorry, Andres is texting me, what is it?

Violetta: I was going to say how come you are close with my family?

Leon: Well, I'm not that close since I was only a baby when your dad worked with my mom and dad and Ramallo mainly works with my parents, not Herman directly I only know Ramallo.

Violetta: Oh, I see.

Leon: Violetta, can I talk to you in private?

Violetta: Sure, we can go up to my room.

Leon nodded and they went upstairs Herman came in with glasses and the bottle of red wine.

Meanwhile, Leon was talking to Violetta as he wanted to know what the email said.

Leon: Okay, don't freak out but will you be able to show me the email that got sent to you that night of the studio party?

Violetta: Uh... sure why?

Leon: I don't know something isn't adding up.

As she sat down at her desk Leon leaned on the desk to see the screen as she felt him close to her she couldn't help but get nervous with him near her.

Leon: See, the spelling is awful and I think I know who it might be, it has to be Ludmila because she's the one who put the flyers of you dressed like that all over the studio walls, but I just don't understand why?

Violetta: I think I know why Leon.

Leon: Why?

Violetta: Do you remember that day when we were talking after you stopped people from bullying me?

Leon: Yeah?

Violetta: Well, Ludmila must've been watching us because after you went to class she came up to me and she told me to stay away from you.

Leon: She what?

Violetta: Yeah, she told me that you would never go for a girl like me.

Leon: I can't believe she would do that, I'm so glad I broke up with her when I did.

He walked to the bed and Violetta breathed again as he wasn't close to her anymore.

Violetta stood up and leaned on the desk in front of him as Leon sat down on the bed and looked at her.

Leon: I'm sorry, Violetta I didn't know she would go that far.

Violetta: It's not your fault Leon, you didn't know that she could do that because you loved the girl she used to be.

Leon: She changed and it wasn't a good change it's like she's got worse like hurting people makes her feel good and I don't understand why because seeing people get hurt doesn't make me feel good it made me feel like I was a bully.

Violetta sat on the bed next to him and he was looking down at his hands as he was talking about how much he wanted to change.

Violetta: Leon, your not a bad person are you?

Leon: *Looks at her* No, I'm not, I might seem like that but okay I can be a bit arrogant sometimes but that's who I am but hurting people just isn't me.

Violetta: Then stop hurting people and change for the better, it's the only way Ludmila is going to stop sticking her nails into you.

After Violetta spoke they looked into each other's eyes and Leon started to lean into her and she leaned into him.

Leon: Violetta...

Violetta: Mm?

As they were about to kiss the door went and someone shouted...

????: Violetta Maria Castillo what are you doing?

A/N: ~
Who do you think walked in?

Thank you for reading.


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