Bunny Love (lemon)

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"Well...I guess it's already too late to say goodby to my innocence..." he muttered as he hopped down into the alley.


Meanwhile, Mirko's vision was a foggy red tunnel, as she chased after the amorphous blob that smelled and sounded like Midoriya.

Surly this shape knew where Midoriya was.

Or at least that's as close to a rational thought as she got, with her psyche in itty bitty pieces.

That didn't matter to her right now though. She could hear and smell that fuzzy green blob in this direction. She then hopped up and smashed through the wall into the alley, where she was met with...

A dinosaur?...

In her current state, Mirko couldn't quit make it out, but it was vaguely shaped like a green raptor of some kind, and it ran passed her while swiping at her with it's claws.

It didn't hit her as she hopped over it. It only ripped her suit open.

It didn't matter.

All that mattered was that it was in the way! Even as it shrunk down and took a more human shape.

Mirko jumped and made to kick her target, but instead of running, it reached out and grabbed her legs with incredible strength and held tight, even as it fell back and dragged her with it. Pulling Mirko's legs in a fashion as if to bring her down onto it.


And suddenly the fog was gone.

Her mind was still broken and hazy, but a few pieces had snapped back into place.

The fog that clouded her vision, replaced with a burning hot, rod of pleasure, driving it's way up into her drenched and desperate womanhood, and filling that maddening emptiness.

Mirko was stunned for a moment, as her mind breached the surface of insanity.

Her gaze then fell and she saw the face she longed to see. His clothes discarded and his naked form on display for her thirsty eyes.

"Midoriya!" she exclaimed with surprise and relief.

That relief was quickly replaced with excitement and a mad grin, as she planted her feet on the ground and leaned forwards.


Izuku gulped as Mirko's face came within inches of his.

It would appear the plan had worked.

So why did he feel like he'd made a terrible mistake...


Ah, that's why...

Because of the cracks that formed in the concrete ground beneath him as Mirko came down on him with all her might and causing the bones in his pelvis to vibrate.

Izuku grunted in pleasure and pain as Mirko began riding him hard into the ground and she cried out in pleasure.

Izuku had ripped her suit to pieces, expoing everything. She was so tight and wet. Her toned and muscular body was incredible and her C cups with small brown nipples were bouncing back and forth over him.

Unfortunately, this pleasure was paired with her powerful thigh muscles sending her crashing down on his pelvis.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this" Izuku thought as he stared up at the woman, riding him to oblivion. Mirko wasn't old, but she was older then him and the other girls he'd been with, and that left him feeling both ashamed and aroused.

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