With a touch of pride, Ai puffed out her chest and spoke in a confident tone. "Although Mama is undoubtedly the cutest."

'What's with this peculiar rivalry?' Aqua mused, perplexed by the sudden turn of events.


(Third POV)

Presently, the triplets found themselves on the school premises, idling away in the playground while the other kids dashed about, while the adults attempted to keep them in check.

With nothing particular to occupy their time, Aqua grew bored and cast his gaze toward Ruby, who happened to be near the slide. "Hey Ruby," he interjected, his curiosity piqued. "What were you up to before you were reborn? And how old are you really?"

Ruby hesitated for a moment, uncertain of how to respond, as a distressing notion took hold in her mind. If she turned out to be the youngest among them, Aqua might start bossing her around, using his position as the eldest to his advantage.

Nervously, she started to twirl the end of her hair, mustering up the courage to reply. "Um... Well," she began with a shy, feeble voice. "I'm actually a grown woman!" She asserted, defiantly flicking her hair in the air and striking a pose that exuded 'maturity'. "What an inconsiderate brat, asking a woman her age!"

Suddenly, Aikara, who had precariously positioned himself atop the nearby wall, energetically leaped onto Ruby's back, nearly causing her to lose her balance as she struggled to steady herself.

"What the heck, Aka nii-chan?" Ruby exclaimed, prying Aikara off her back.

Aikara giggled mischievously as Ruby wrestled him away, before casually draping his arm around her shoulder. "Why does her previous life age even matter?" He questioned, a warm smile adorning his face. "Regardless of whether she was an old woman in her past life, she's still my adorable little sister!" He proclaimed, causing Ruby to grow more self-assured as she proudly puffed out her chest.

"He's right. Why does my previous life age even matter?" Ruby asked rhetorically before darting off toward the slide as fast as her legs could carry her, effectively evading any further discussion.

With only the two of them left, Aikara approached Aqua, noticing the somber expression etched on his face. Concern filled his voice as he gently inquired, "Hey Aqua nii, you seem quite down. Is everything okay?"

Aqua dismissed his worry with a dismissive wave. "I'm fine," he replied, albeit with a hint of melancholy. "Just reminiscing about my past life—it was quite gloomy."

Understanding dawned on Aikara as he nodded in acknowledgment. "I see, I see," he murmured before settling down next to Aqua and taking in the surrounding scenery.

Aqua contemplated asking Aikara about his thoughts, but decided against it upon witnessing his pensive gaze.


(Aikara POV)

My past life.

To be honest, I'm not sure what to think of it.

I'm grateful for the experiences it taught me, but at the same time, I hate it because it made me who I am today, a greedy liar who has no problem deceiving people just to receive love.

It's a love hate relationship.

After reincarnating, I sometimes have stray thoughts. What if I wasn't reincarnated with my memories intact? Would I be happier than I am now? My flaws, my imperfections, everything wrong about me wouldn't be here if I have simply forgotten my previous life.

Well, it's just some useless dwelling at the end of the day, I'm happy at my current life, and even though I still deceive everyone, it's fine for me, because at the end of the day, my lie doesn't hurt anybody.

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