Chapter 14

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Kazuha's POV

It'd been a few days and it was touch-and-go whether I could actually finish the headphone covers without jumping Chaewon every two seconds, but it seemed I was finally about to end my suffering.

"Wow, look at you. A pro already, my baby's finally leaving the nest." Chaewon wiped a fake tear from the corner of her eye, and I nudged her shoulder as I finished the last loop of my creation.

"Not bad, huh?" It was my first time crocheting and I was still hesitant about the pink, but it actually looked really cute now that I could look at it properly.

"I think I've given you enough compliments to last you another year."

"Come on, one last one." I smirked proudly, knowing she wouldn't be able to resist.

"Fine. Just this once." Chaewon sighed but couldn't hold back her smile, "you did well, I'm proud of you. And I'm sure Haerin will love it too."

"Hm, I think that was three?"

"Shut up."

"Thank you again, by the way. For the gift, and the teaching...and the compliments." I looked at Chaewon, and she looked really beautiful, it was late at night and she'd taken off her makeup, her eyes were groggy and half closed, but she still looked so damn beautiful. "And remind me to never crochet again, I don't know how you find peace in it, I'd rather die than do this again."

"It's no problem, really." Chaewon broke eye contact, collecting her hooks and leftover yarn and putting them back into the plastic box they belonged in.

"I was thinking maybe you could come with me." I proposed hesitantly, Chaewon stopped in her tracks, looking up at me in surprise. I was actually thinking about it for a while, Chaewon coming with me. It was part of the reason why crocheting took longer than expected, I needed to stall to come to a decision. We were actually friends now, and it would be three days, she could sleep in the guest room. I had it all planned out in case she needed convincing. The truth was that spending time with her was fun, and I knew Haerin would've liked her too.

I began fiddling with the drawstring of my hoodie and hugged my knees. "You know, since you helped with the gift and stuff. I mean, can you come with me?" I fumbled over my words, I shouldn't have assumed she'd say yes, or that she'd want to, or that-

"I'd love to." She took my hand, and the warmth of hers was enough to make me look into her eyes and relax. "What day is her birthday?"

"It's in two days, but I'm leaving tomorrow and returning in three days, obviously I'd be your ride there and back if you came."

"I'm free." She smiled, relaxed. How could she be so nonchalant? It felt like I was the only one going crazy and overthinking every move I made.

"Okay, thank you." I stood up to leave the room, before I felt a hand on my wrist pulling me back. I bumped into Chaewon and she immediately brought her lips to mine. The kiss was sweet, and innocent. Which was weird because we never kissed unless it got heated and lead to sex. So when she pulled away, I looked down at her in confusion.

"You need to relax, you're so tense." Chaewon smiled, releasing me and letting me miss the feeling of her hands on my chest.

"Right." I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache oncoming, "I'm sorry, I've been stressed thinking about her birthday and everything. I didn't mean to be weird with you."

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