Chapter 1

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Chaewon's POV

The blonde tugged on my arm childishly while pouting, "just come live with me then you wouldn't have that problem!"

That problem being the fact that my landlord increased rent by twenty percent this month. My pay check isn't enough to cover that and all the expenses of groceries, phone bills and my chronic shopping addiction. I could avoid Yunjin pestering me to move in with her before because I actually had somewhere to live, but now that my wallet was screaming I may actually have to hear her out.

"It wouldn't just be living with you though, and you know that. You live with like four other people I don't know." I shrugged Yunjin off of my shoulder with great difficulty, the girl is tall.

"They're my friends, and you wouldn't have a problem if you met them like I'm always asking you to." She rolled her eyes before turning the radio in the car to a different station.

"You know I've been busy with studying recently, not to mention the fact that Haechan's been super sensitive lately." I explained as we pulled up on campus.

"Is he your girlfriend or your boyfriend?" Yunjin deadpanned as we walked through the fields. "What's up with you guys recently?"

"I don't know," I sighed, "That's why I'm going to try talk to him about it later." The thought of seeing Haechan after last night was embarrassing. Having to fake after initiating sex was mortifying, to say the least.

Yunjin turned to face in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. "Well.. if you have time you should really come to mine later, meet my friends. They don't bite I promise." She smiled one of her bright smiles in an attempt to persuade me.

"Fine, but there better be alcohol..and this doesn't mean I'm moving in." I reminded her with a point of my finger before we parted.

"You wouldn't have a rent problem if you did!" The blonde shouted obnoxiously loud as I walked away, leading a few heads to look my way.


I walked into class, eyes finding my bob twin who didn't seem to notice my presence, I grinned as I got an idea.

"Boo!" I grabbed her shoulders from behind and giggled as she flinched and scrunched the shirt over her chest in surprise.

"Oh my god, you almost killed me!" Winter scolded, taking the back of her hand to her forehead as if she was checking her temperature. I settled beside her, breath still uneven from laughing so much.

"What were you so lost in?" I took my textbook out of my bag and brushed my bangs out of my face.

"I didn't sleep at all last night, I keep zoning out." The brunette whined as she gulped some of her energy drink.

"Still daydreaming about Karina Yu, I take it?" I teased knowingly, Winter's had the hots for Karina since she bumped into her in the corridor, cliché, I know.

Winter tried to hide the blush that appeared on her cheeks and failed miserably. "Shut up, she cancelled on me this morning, said her dad came to visit unexpectedly and that she has to stay with him until he leaves." Winter looked cute when she sulked.

"This is your sign to stop hooking up with her and just ask her out already, besides, you can't keep going over to hers whenever you're in heat." I smirked when she rolled her eyes at me.

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