Chapter 1

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"And your dad is really going to be away for a whole week?" Charly, my best friend, plopped down onto the passenger seat and tossed his backpack onto the backseat.

"Yep," I started the car and stepped on the gas. The tires screeched, and a car honked. God, I love this car. Grinning, I pulled out of the parking lot.

"Someday, you're going to wreck this car," Charly muttered. "But whatever. Does that mean we have the whole house to ourselves? PARTY TIME!" he shouted through the open window, causing a few students to turn and look at us.

I snorted. "Sure, of course. My siblings are also at home, you idiot."

"So what? They can join the party too" Charly crossed his arms behind his head.

"Susan is five" I retorted dryly. Charly paused for a moment.

"Really? Geez, hasn't she been four for the past few years?" I saved myself the trouble of answering. Charly's memory was like a sieve, and I had given up on trying to keep up with his recollections years ago. "Oh man, but you have to throw a party. Brik Combright threw a huge party last week. We have to top that."

At the mention of Brik's name, I grimaced. Brik and I had been enemies since we got into a fight over a soccer game in elementary school. Well, some things remain eternal, or as they say.

"How do you expect me to do that, man? Should I lock my siblings out and throw the party of the century? My dad would kill me."

"Brik's party even had a shot tower" Charly grinned at me.

"I could drop off Susan, Coulder, Aden, and Liam at Mackenzie's. I could say I have to work and can't leave the little ones alone," I mused aloud. Mackenzie would surely be able to keep my siblings more entertained than I could. Susan hated staying overnight somewhere else. But if necessary, I could pick them up at some point during the night. I would simply skip a few beers, and it would work out.

"That's the right attitude," Charly drummed his fingers on the seat. As strange as it was, Mackenzie was Charly's mother, even though he called her Mackenzie like everyone else.

"And the others can have a sign that says 'I'm underage and not allowed to drink alcohol' hanging around their necks," I grinned at the thought of Noah's reaction if I put one of those on him.

Charly laughed. "I don't care, as long as the party happens."

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe they can crash at some friends' places or just stay in their rooms." I was getting more and more comfortable with the idea of throwing this party.

"And there'll be a shot tower too."

"You can bet on it."


"What?" I grumbled annoyed as someone knocked on the door again.

"Man, open the door, Taylor." Jackson kicked the door from the outside, and I reluctantly rolled out of bed. It seemed that a long nap before the big party was not in the cards for me. I unlocked the door and looked down at my little brother.

"If you kick my door again, I'll send you over to Mackenzie later."

"No way. That woman is nuts." Jackson grimaced.

"What do you want?" I eyed my brother suspiciously.

"Nothing important. I just wanted to show you something." Jackson held up a flyer, suddenly appearing almost embarrassed. Smirking, I reached for the paper.

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