Chapter 21

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"Tommy!!!" Dream shouts. Running over to Tommy.

"Objective: Achieved" An agent stated and left.

"Tommy! Please don't leave me! I just got you about two years ago! Please!!" Dream cried.

Karl grabbed his com, "This is an emergency all medical personnel please head here now! Tommy's been shot!"

"Tommy. Don't close your eyes! Helps almost here!" Sapnap shouted.

"It hurts Dream.. It hurts" Tommy managed to say.

"I know. I know, Tommy." Dream replied.

Dream didn't want to lose any more of his family.

"Dream! We have a problem..." Karl stated.

"What?" Dream replied.

"Our medical personnels are having a hard time reaching us. They said something about the path being blocked" Karl answered.

"Then tell them to find another way!!" Dream shouts.

"Dream... I'm feeling tired..." Tommy whispered.

"Just wait for a few more moments Tommy!" Dream shouts.

Tommy's eyes start to shut and open once again, shut and open once again..

"Tommy look at me! Just look at me! Don't go to sleep yet! We uhhh--- haven't ate dinner yet!" Dream shouts.

Tommy distorted chuckle was heard.

"Can I not eat dinner? I'm just feeling so tired..." Tommy managed to say.

"He's loosing a lot of blood, Dream." Quackity whispered..

"Quackity. He'll make it.." Dream whispered back.

Tommy was still staring up above. It hurts. Was all his consciousness could say.

"The dagger hit his heart for f**ks sake" Quackity shouted.

"What?" Tommy asked in shock.

He didn't know where it hit. All he knew was that it hurt...

"There's a dagger in my heart?" Tommy asked again and again on repeat. But his voice quieter every sentence.

"Dream! They can't make it! Agents are blocking their ways and are stoping them from getting here!" Karl shouts.

Dream's world stops. 'Why... Why does this have to happen to me?' He thought.

"Dream.... Can I sleep now?" Tommy asked.

Dream didn't know what to do... He could make Tommy stay up more. Maybe the doctors will get here on time. But seeing him so pained... Just hurt his heart....

He doesn't want to see Tommy in pain any longer.. But he didn't want him to die. Especially in front of him.

"Tommy... Can you wait just a bit longer?" I asked.

"But I'm twired.." He replied. Blood now coming out of his mouth. But still he managing to keep his eyes open. And not fall into death's hands.

'He is so brave and daring... He doesn't deserve to go through this... Should I just let him go?' Dream thought.

Dream looked at his friends.

"Dream, you aren't..." Halo stated.

"It's okay Tommy..." Dream started.

Everyone knew what was coming.

"You can rest now. Here. Want me to sing you the song I said I made?" Dream continued.

Tommy gave a smile and stated, "Can you do the one about Road trips? I want the chorus part please.."

"Sure..." Dream replied.

Sapnap pulled out his phone and played the music to the said part.

"Now that interstate is paved with memories.." Dream started singing. Tears forming in everyone's eyes.

"Of a past life I lived when I was 18.." Dream sang slightly sobbing.

"And every winter I think back to what we used to be" Dream continued.

The last line of the chorus was about to be sang. Everyone knew this will be the end. They didn't want to see him go away. But seeing him smile in his last moments was the best.

"In that past life we lived at 18." Dream finished.

Now completely crying.

Tommy looked at everyone. He mouthed a 'thank you'

Skeppy took a pillow. And gave it to Tommy.

"You might need that..." Skeppy stated.

Dream fixes Tommy's head on the pillow. Making the area as comfortable as possible.

A pool of blood was already there. Tommy pained hisses were heard, it had started when Dream sang.

Tommy then closes his eyes. And eventually goes to eternal sleep. They said it was peaceful there.

"Tommy..." Dream cried.

Everyone had lost someone that day...

How cruel could the world really be...

Why did this have to be his end. His demise?

But who said this was the end of his story?

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

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