Chapter 11

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"Agent Blade and Agent Soot were knocked out and taken during a mission!?" Agent Beloved shouted in shock and fear.

"Yes. I have suspicions to believe that Dream is related to this somehow." Agent NotFound nonchalantly answered.

"You know what f*** it! I don't care. Dream has already taken 3 of our agents away. I don't care if we're going to plan this out! All we need to do is act fast." NotFound broke.

"NotFound. Don't you dare use such foul language. And you may not disobey me!" The committee commanded.

"I know you're my family. But don't you think this is too much? A lot of them were young! They were still young... Like me.." He looked down

"We did what was necessary." They replied.

Before NotFound could answer, Agent Underscore dashed to NotFound's position and glared daggers at the committee.

"So putting Blade and Soot in a mission without Minecraft was necessary? You know how vulnerable they are without Agent Minecraft. Putting children in this agency was necessary? Making children do things that only adults were supposed to do! And making Beloved, Me, and Innit go on a mission with both of us being only about 14 to 15 years old! We were minors! Was all of that necessary? You see now how many people suffered because of your stupid f*****g mission!" He snapped.

The committee was stunned. They never thought of that before. How would their Agents be affected by their decisions?

They knew. They knew Agent Innit and Agent Underscore weren't prepared and trained for a mission going to Sleepy Fortress.

They knew that Agent Soot and Agent Blade were nothing without Agent Minecraft.

Then why would they make those decisions. They already knew that it was going to go bad. But for what? For a few specs of information. A few drops of potions?

"We are sorry for your lost. But that isn't what you pledged." They paused.

"You all pledge to do everything you can even if it means sacrificing your life for this agency. We would call our fallen agents, heroes. Agent Soot and Agent Blade are considered heroes. They knew they wouldn't be able to do it, but they did it for the agency. But Agent Innit? He is a traitor to this Agency you hear me? So none of you dare to be all mushy on him because he shouldn't be trusted. He should be eliminated. Meeting Dismissed." The committee stated and left.

After they all left.

"F**k the committee. Tommy literally sacrificed himself so I would be fine. And this is the thanks he gets?" Agent Underscore raged.

"Underscore, let's just-" Agent Beloved tried to reassure him.

"No. Shut up. This Agency is corrupt. They told us they would keep us safe. But no. It was all a lie. A lie to keep us from leaving." Agent Underscore continued.

"Sigh. Let's just go before we get in even more trouble." Agent NotFound states and leaves.

The others followed behind.

-Sleepy Fortress-

"See, I told you. They never cared." Dream states as he showed a(n edited) footage of Agent Underscore blabbering about how much he hated him.

"I can't believe, I even trusted them."


I know that isn't true Dream. I will tear the whole agency to the ground. But nobody and I mean nobody hurts Tubbo.


Trickery. Oh how that summerizes the whole chapter. The Committee's way of doing things necessary. Dream's way of making Tommy change his point of view. He might now be as naive as Dream thought him to be.

This is your Author, E11a_N1ce, wishing you all an amazing day.

Finished writing Chapter on May 18 2023

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