Chapter 20

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"So.. Tommy, what do you mean by avenging your family from the UnFound Agency?" Tubbo asked.

"It would be better if Dream would answer that." Tommy replied.

Making everyone look at Dream.

"Fine. Years ago. After me and the others got denied to be agents.

We retaliated a little. But a few days later. We went home to our houses burnt down and our parents corpses burned to ashes. During that incident, I lost Tommy. I didn't know where he went or if he was also engulfed by the flames. But the only thing I do know is that it was caused by Unfound Agency agents." Dream replied.

"Wow. That was harsh..." Tubbo replied.

"For the record, we didn't really know what happened and-" George started. But was cut off the wall being blown up.

"Finally! Was wondering when back-up will show up" Ranboo shouts.

Agents quickly swarmed the room.

"You were distracting us. Weren't you!?" Tommy directs at Tubbo.

"No- I didn't know about this!" Tubbo replied. He didn't want to anger Tommy after all.

Tommy didn't seem convinced.

"Agent NotFound, Agent Beloved, and Agent Underscore. We didn't give you permission to do this." One of them stated.

It was clear that those agents weren't any random agents. They were the committee or specifically, NotFound's family.

"We didn't ask for any." George replied.

"We'll talk about this at headquarters." One of them replied. At least 4 of them were talking with them while the rest were getting Dream's soldiers off Agent Soot and Agent Blade.

"What have you been hiding from us?" Tubbo asked.

"How dare you ask us such a question." One of them stated.

"You know what. If you won't cooperate, then we'll force you. We know that you won't come with us until you get answers..." Another stated. And pulled out a button.

Everyone stared at the said button. They didn't know what it was. Until they pressed it.

All the agents(not the committee agents) fell unconscious. While the committee agents took them.

"How dare you." Tommy stated feeling angry with what their stupid committee has done.

"I know they'll come back here... One way or another... Or encounter you somehow..." One pieced together.

Before anyone could react. They were leaving. All of them tried to stop them. They didn't want anything like this to happen.

"Oh. I almost forgot." One stated.

Then daggers came flying at them. All of them went back. To avoid the daggers.

But to no avail. It still followed them.

'Can't they just leave us alone? They already have what they want.' Dream thought.

No matter where they runned.
They were never far behind.
'Until I fight and reach the end, they'll call for our demise' Tommy thought.

(Manhunt by Derivakat reference haha)

Everything stopped for a few seconds. It was peaceful. No agents were in sight. They weren't gone. They all knew. They knew they were waiting in the shadows.

Then suddenly. A dagger flew directly at....



- - - - -

Oh how tragic of an ending this could sound. But who said this was the end? Many possible things could still happen.

The Authors decision. Made the story longer than expected. But how long will it actually last?

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

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