Chapter 18

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"It was... Tommy Innit WasTaken"

"What!?" Both agents shouted. How could this be?

"Yes. Don't believe? Check the UnFound Agency SECRET files." He stated. Showing a screen.

'He's hacking into the system.' Beloved thought.

"As you see now. The file clearly states that I am a WasTaken. Shocked? I may presume. Who wouldn't be?" He smirked.

"Why are you so happy about this? He was our enemy!" Tubbo shouted.

"He 'was'. But not mine anymore. And are you not happy I'm alive?" He replied making himself look innocent. But the committee thinks otherwise.

"I am. But why does it have to be like this?!" Tubbo responded

"It's just how it's supposed to be. Life isn't always fair." Tommy replied..

"How did you hack into the system! I helped making that invader/hacker proof!" Ranboo asked. Not caring about Tommy and Tubbo's shouting.

"Oh. That's what you want to know? Do you not care about how I'm alive and s**t!?" Tommy responded.

"What? Do you think we even actually met and actually talked to each other!? We didn't! That explains the whole reason why I don't care about you!" Ranboo shouted back.

Tommy looks to the ground. 'Maybe, I shouldn't spare any of their lives. They don't care that I am alive, so why would I care if they're alive?'

"Ranboo- don't get to tha-" Tubbo tried to stop him.

"What? Do you think we all care for you!? For the record, you became a bad guy and went to the enemy's side! The committee was right... Even though you sacrificed yourself for Tubbo, you are a TRAITOR to this agency." Ranboo stated.

Tommy paused. And glared at the man. He didn't like that. Dream told him if he didn't like something he should eliminate it.

He knew he had to.

Tommy pulled out an ENCHANTED NETHERITE AXE and started heading directly towards Ranboo.

Tubbo headed to stop Tommy.

"What? Want to stop me? I will hate you forever if you do that." Tommy states, now I front of Ranboo.

Ranboo on the other hand, doesn't have any weapons and is merely glaring at Tommy.

"Choose. Me or Ranboo." Tommy adds.

Tubbo hesitates to answer.

He didn't know what to do.

Ranboo is his friend, yes. But Tommy was his best friend.

If he chooses Ranboo, Tommy would hate him. Forever. As he stated. He can't lose him again after getting him back.

But if he chooses Tommy, Ranboo would die. And Tubbo didn't want to be the cause of it.

"Tubbo! Please! He's already gone. He's too deep! There's no saving him now!" Ranboo shouted.

"Shut up. I want him to decide." Tommy hits Ranboo a bit.

Tubbo still stuck in thought. Didn't know what to do.

He pulled Tommy and Ranboo apart. And threw Tommy as far as possible. 

"So you have decided, so shall it be." Tommy states and goes into the shadows.

"Ranboo. He's still in there. I know he is..." I whispered.

"He looks insane Tubbo! He just tried to kill me! How could you still care for him!!" Ranboo shot back.

"For your information, he was my best friend!" Tubbo shouted.

A full on argument started between the two.

'This will be fun...' Tommy thought.

"Best Friend or not! He isn't the same person he was before! Why can't you see that?!" Ranboo stared at Tubbo.

"He is... Deep inside... I know he is!!" Tubbo defended.

"I'm guessing you're having a hard time accepting that everything is different. Life doesn't always give people a happy ending!" Ranboo shouted.

Tubbo glares at Ranboo and runs to the direction where Tommy was thrown to.

'I can't believe he's even going after him' Ranboo thought. 

They both went to different directions...


Oh how tragic. Another choice was made by our main character. A choice that could change it all. They wonder, why are they always the one who should choose. They didn't want that responsibility. They made decisions that lead to these moments...

They still believe that their best friend is still good, deep inside. They didn't want to believe that the sweet and annoying boy was long gone and was replaced by a mad man. But still, if they had talked alone, could things have went differently? Bigger question, What could a friendship in the past bring back?

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!!

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