Chapter 17

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"You mean Tommy?" Dream asked.

"Yes. What did you do to him." Techno replied.

Dream looked at Wilbur and said, "This is why you both need restraints."

"And for the record, whatever he did was his own actions." Dream answers Techno's question.

"Why would do such a thing he's the nicest little gremlin we could have!" Wilbur defended.

"It must be in the family, I could say" Quackity stated.

"What do you mean 'in the family'?" George asked confused.

"Oh. Karl, could you explain the situation to our little friends?" Dream smirked.

"Gladly. Agent Innit or Tommy is Dream's biological younger brother." Karl explained in one sentence.

The three stared in shock. No one knew about this..

"What?" George muttered.

"Yes. Yes. He is my brother!" Dream exclaimed in joy.

"How!?" Wilbur shouted.

"Well, when we were thrown out of the agency, apparently someone attacked our home or apartments. We saw that it was UnFound Agency agents. That explains the reason why we made this organization in the first place to avenge our family. I couldn't find my brother. I thought he died.

But when Agent Innit got trapped in here? My first move was to know his identity. And guess what? He looked like my brother! He apparently hacked into your system to find out what's true, and also saw it in his file." Dream explained.

"How was it in his file? I always checked it but I didn't see any of what you said." George defended his side.

"Oh. Then your family must've hid it from you..." Sapnap answered.

George just stared. Wanting to defend his side. But knowing deep down it was true. George's family hides a lot of things from him. They said it was to keep him safe, but it was actually so that he won't get involved or get in their way.

"Shocking, I know. But can we talk about that later? This is a reunion for primes sake" Karl stated. The 4 stared at Karl.

"What? Tommy's been living with us for years, aren't you used to how he speaks?"

Making the rest go back to what they were doing.

"A reunion where we apparently can't do anything but talk. How fortunate." Wilbur commented sarcastically.

"It's a safety precautions. Wouldn't want anyone to get hurt." Halo replied.

"Yeah. It's not like their strong grip is hurting us." Wilbur added.

"I apparently don't feel any pain whatsoever, but it would be very nice to be able to walk around." Techno stated.

"Techno-" Wilbur whispered.

"Let's get this started, do you want snacks? beverages?" Quackity shouted going to the table filled with food.

'This is going to be interesting...' George thought.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Two guards on George please. Just gab his hand or shoulder and follow him around, make sure he doesn't do anything bad.." Dream ordered.

And two were already on George.

'Almost got away with it' George thought.

- - - - - -

Secrets were kept, but told by someone else. Oh how cruel. Secrets kept from a family member so they'll move out of the way. Oh how will they get his trust back?

How many secrets has his family hid from him. Most of it was important and bad. Which makes them like their enemy. Why would they do such a thing?

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

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