Chapter 3

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After weeks of training they are finally ready.

"Agent Innit. Agent Underscore. Are you ready?" Agent Beloved asked.

"Yeah." They answered in unison.

"Then tell me what are you supposed to be doing?" Agent Beloved asked.

"Me. Agent Innit will distract, stall, and be on watch for guards." Agent Innit replied.

"And I. Agent Underscore, will help you, Agent Beloved, in breaking into the safe." Agent Underscore replied.

"Good. Excecute the plan." Agent Beloved stated. And they did as told

They broke inside. Inside Dream's Fortress. It was a Black building with neon green outlines for some reason.

-Underscore and Beloved-
-Beloved POV-

"How do we crack the code?" Agent Underscore asks.

"Can you just wait I'm almost in. There! Come on let's move." I replied.

We ran through and dodged a lot of security system things. From lasers to armed guards. We dodged it all without anyone knowing. We got in front of the vault.

"Better use that silent bomb you made right now. Because I can't just hack into this one. Because this level of hacking is for Top Agents. The Rank 1's. Not my Rank which is Rank #2." I stated.

"Yes. yes. Sure." He responded and did his thing. We got into the vault and took the prize. If this isn't going to rank us up I don't know what will.

But after a few minutes the alarm went off. Oh no. Is this just because Tommy was caught or seen? Or is it just their security system. Giving the intruder a false sense. Making them think that they're safe. Making them go slower than what they needed to be since no one noticed.

Me and Underscore ran through the hallways. We didn't care if we stepped on the lazers. The alarm's already blaring.

"Agent Innit. I repeat Agent Innit are you there?" I asked through the com.

"I see you have been compromised. I'm still at the same spot you left me. There are no guards in sight. Which is very suspicious." He responded

"Good. Good. We're heading your way. Get ready to run once you see us." I informed.

I looked at Underscore he seemed to have understand what I meant so quickly. For him behind a Rank 6 Agent. He knows a lot of things that his Rank wouldn't even know of.

We got sight of Agent Innit. He wasn't paying attention. But when we passed him. I hit him lightly to alarm him that there were guards behind us. He quickly with. He was behind us. Yes. But I'm sure he's as fast as us.

We reached the exit. The main exit. The doors are starting to close. They opened lockdown mode a little too late. The titanium wall? door? barricade? sort of thing was sliding down. I went through.

It got lower and lower and lower. I looked inside and saw Agent Underscore waiting..

He was waiting for Innit. Where is he?

"Underscore get here now!" I ordered. I can't have the place to lockdown with him in there.

"I have to wait for Agent Innit." He replied. Its only a matter of minutes until there's no way to leave.

Innit came to view.

"Underscore get out now!" He shouts pushing Underscore through the hole to get him out. But after Underscore was through the thing was shut. Leaving Agent Innit inside.

"Innit! Agent Innit!" Underscore cried.

"Shh. Shhh. Let's go. We have what we need. I'm calling the Top Agents." I stated.

"What do you mean 'lets go'! I'm not leaving without him. It's Innit and Underscore against the world. I can't leave him." He shouted.

"I'm sorry he got trapped in there. But do you really want to get captured too?" I shouted back. Just then the Top Agents arrived.

"What Happened?" NotFound asked.

"The alarm sounded. I don't know if it was just late or just a security feature they added to put us in the wrong sense of mind. Me and Underscore made it out. But the thing shut Agent Innit in." I stated emotionlessly.

"I... Nevermind. I'll process that later. Let's go out before more of Dream's guards get here and banish the life out of us.

I nodded. And dragged Underscore away.  He thrashed and cried the whole ride. It was over. And we wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.


Mission successful. But at what cost? A friend. Their only friend.



In the hands of the Sleepy Fortress owner and soldiers.

Oh, how would our main character cope with this lost.

A simple 'yes' can change their future. But can they make changes so it won't happen again?

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

Finished writing the chapter on: May 10 2023

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