27 - A fragment of truth?

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The weather gradually seemed to be taking a turn for the better as of late, causing all the snow and ice that laid as a thick coat on top of the city's many surfaces to slowly but surely begin to melt away under the warm sun rays; bringing some much-needed hope that spring finally was beginning to roll around the corner, marking the end of another long and cold winter. It was quickly also deemed as the perfect weather to dedicate almost an entire day's worth of exploration— spontaneously having gotten on the first available city bus earlier this morning to begin the journey of visiting different locations, some of which based on reported accident sites you previously had dismissed but thought deserved a second chance, hoping that at least one of these places would trigger some kind of memory for the entity.

Today was by no means the first time you and Taehyung officially were testing out this investigation tactic, after all, the two of you had already gotten a small head start during the times you'd go out to run errands here and there, thus creating a small opportunity to somewhat test it out occasionally— though unlike those times where time was quite limited and the results were unsurprisingly not fruitful whatsoever, today you and the entity had the entire day to yourselves and continuing this investigation properly in new environments.

In order to avoid receiving weird looks from people passing by, you implemented the habit of wearing earbuds at all times while out and about so that Taehyung and you could communicate freely under the illusion of it being a phone call; working wonderfully in eliminating the potential impression that you were under the influence of alcohol and quite possibly some other illegal substances, not that you would blame such assumptions in the slightest since the sight undeniably would look rather strange from an outside perspective if not for this precaution.

Nevertheless, the two of you spent countless of hours curiously wandering through different streets and alleys across Seoul, briefly visiting the Mapo bridge, and later walking alongside the Han River whilst theorizing about potential memory triggers and so forth— yet despite diligently trying to stay focused, the two of you occasionally grew sidetracked by the delicious street food or other intriguing stalls scattered around containing decorative items and jewelry pieces up for sale which simply were too pretty not to stop and admire for a moment when pacing around the streets.

Taehyung surprisingly– or not, quickly turned out to be the more easily distracted one out of the two of you, always silently wandering off to go sightsee and eagerly bouncing from one place to the other; merrily enjoying his time exploring more than actually focusing on investigating. The taller pretty much acted like a young soul on one of his first lives with the way his eyes would glimmer with admiration at the new sceneries, heck who knows, maybe he truly was a new soul of some kind— either way, you had no intention of ruining his fun anytime soon, all of this certainly has to count as a form of investigation too, after all, who said tragedy had to be the only source for memory triggers.

However, the more hours of joy that passed by, the colder it gradually became as you were beginning to run out of daylight. Afraid of having to end yet another day with his hopes for answers getting crushed, you stubbornly kept on refusing Taehyungs occasional defeated suggestions of just calling it a day and heading back home— attempting to reassure the male how there still was a lot to look into. Though you inevitably had to bitterly give in once it was time for the last city bus to depart from the nearest bus stop, a sullen pout firmly stamped onto your lips the entire ride back home which had earned a breathy chuckle for the entity whom uttered out a teasing ''One would easily mistake you as a kicked puppy if you keep pouting like that Gguk.''. However, after seeing how that failed to make you smile, he switched to a more gentle approach.

Taehyung: Hey now, I know you're disappointed but at least we had fun together— today was by far the best day I've ever had in this otherwise useless cloud form!

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