25 - Dancing with your ghost

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Unlike the usual exhausted drag of your feet, or the melancholy expression which oftentimes would paint your expression when coming home from a long and hectic evening shift such as this one, tonight thankfully proved to be a tad bit different; instead there now was a subtle skip in your steps while an optimistic smile cheerfully lingered on your lips. Although there was no denying your feet and shoulders still felt just as sore, and that the slight headache due to the lack of caffeine intake today was just as prominent as ever— the conversation with Hoseok during closing hours truly had helped to lift your spirits a great deal in far more ways than one.

Not only were you sneakily able to get some advice on how to make some progress in helping Taehyung regain his past lives memories, but to top it all off, you unexpectedly also ended up getting offered a manager & co-owner position for Hoseoks new business— all of which were things you simply couldn't wait to tell ghostie about once you got back home.

And so upon finally reaching the apartment complex after about a 15-minute walk home through the unexpected snow storm which had washed upon the city tonight, you swiftly scurried inside and took the elevator up before heading and unlocking your apartment door; instantly being greeted by the cozy mood lights around the place that yet again had been turned on just for you, shortly followed by a certain entity whom soon cheerfully peeked his head around the corner, tenderly uttering out a ''Welcome home Gguk'' before flashing you his usual box-like grin as he leaned against the wall.

The endearing sight made you somewhat freeze into place momentarily; needing a second to truly process and admire how the apartment no longer felt as dreadfully cold, dark nor empty upon your return as it used to— instead, it now felt like returning to the comfort of a warm embrace, making your heart swell with gratitude towards the entity responsible for it. After a little while of accidentally zoning out, the entity bewilderedly waved his hand slowly which finally snapped you out of your moment of appreciation, and so you quickly finished shrugging your coat off before neatly hanging it up and changing into the house slippers.

Taehyung: So how was work tonight? Any rich bastards I can pull a lil poltergeist revenge on for you?

A breathy giggle made its way past your lips as you calmly shook your head at his silly suggestion before walking past the male, heading over to go plop down on the living room's couch and instantly letting out a weary sigh of relief when your back finally hit its soft cushions— getting comfortable as it provided that much-needed sense of relief on your back and feet after such a long day of standing upright; who would've thought practicing good posture whilst performing all the duties of a waiter could be so painful?

Jungkook: It'd be a rarity if there weren't any rude customers, but there's no need ghostie. Anyway, it's mostly just been extremely hectic as per usual— though I do have some good news!

Intrigued by your words, the entity sat down on a part of the couch you weren't actively occupying before attentively nodding as a sign for you to go on, and so you excitedly sat more upright whilst beginning by mentioning the new tactic Hoseok had suggested earlier.

Jungkook: So first of all, I talked with Hobi-hyung while we were closing the restaurant for tonight, and through the help of creating a hypothetical scenario somewhat similar to your own, he helped me find sort of a new approach on how I can help you regain your memories!

Unsurprisingly, this earned a skeptical look from the taller whom merely nodded along when you proceeded to explain the details of said plan— a breathy snicker soon escaping past his lips shortly followed by a deeply uttered out ''I doubt it'll be any different from when I've tried it Gguk''; causing you to stubbornly cross your arms, feeling determined to make it work as you refused to give up.

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