18 - Going home

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These past two days in the hospital ended up passing by at what unfortunately had felt like a painfully slow pace, mostly being spent bored out of your mind whilst switching between sneaking up to the hospital's rooftop terrace area to read some of the books your older brothers graciously had brought over— if the weather allowed it of course, taking your IV stand out for a walk and pacing through the hallways, or scrolling through social media while listening to some music in the hopes of getting a temporary escape from this suffocating place.

It's not that you particularly minded hospitals, you just hated being the patient of one; particularly when knowing the mess that awaited you after being discharged. However, ghostie thankfully managed to make the stay far more bearable for you, as his company throughout the day proved to feel surprisingly comforting and even served as a great distraction from your worries. Communicating with one another had however turned out to be quite difficult since you not only shared the room with another patient, but also found yourself in close proximity to people most of the time; therefore making the time spent together mostly filled with comfortable silences along with the occasional glances and playful grimaces at each other.

There was one exception however, as the two of you did end up discovering a ''favorite'' spot on the rooftops terrace garden which just so happened to be slightly secluded, thus allowing the two of you the chance to actually communicate with one another without risking the nurses thinking you were having some sort of a hallucination episode. Considering how the spot also became your go-to place to read at, you'd oftentimes find yourself having to suppress the urge to let out amused snickers whenever you'd go to flip the page of a book you had been reading, only for Taehyung whom had been peering over your shoulder to hiss out a focused ''Wait, I'm not done reading yet''— so needless to say, he did manage to make the stay rather enjoyable even.

Nonetheless, today was finally the day you were getting discharged, and so immediately after having been given the all-clear from your doctor, you packed up your things and signed the papers before getting on the first bus home— admittedly kind of regretting that you had refused to let Yoongi and Jin take you back home today, as standing inside a crowded bus with a still sore surgery wound quickly proved to be an unpleasant experience; though the guilt of making them take a day off from work for such trivial matters would've ended up feeling far more horrible, so you were still more than content with this transportation method.

To your luck, a window seat in the back ended up becoming vacant as a large sum of the passengers ended up getting off at the next stop, so you made your way over and slumped down on the seat with a relieved sigh escaping past your lips— eyes slowly trailing to gaze out upon the snow-covered streets which the bus was passing by, internally wishing that spring would come quicker as you were growing rather sick of these snowy days and the freezing weather.

You couldn't help but allow another sigh to escape past your lips whilst momentarily closing your eyes, unable to shake the anxiousness you felt at the mere thought of not only the upcoming rent and bills you'd have to pay— but also the hospital bill on top of it all which likely would end up stinging quite badly.

Unfortunately, the news of your hospitalization and need for two weeks off from work hadn't been met with the same warm understanding and acceptance that Hobi had offered you, who gladly gave you those two weeks of paid sick leave within a heartbeat; instead, both your manager at the café and the manager of the convenience store apparently ended up having far more trouble with the request— and so after having spent a long back-and-forth on the phone with them mostly beating around the bush regarding the topic, they finally ended up using some lighthearted terms to announce how they had no choice but to end the part-time contract with you. While you understood the difficulties of rearranging the shifts in a situation like this, you also couldn't help but feel that it was kind of unfair given the number of times you've picked up extra shifts last minute for them and how you've never taken a day off or called in sick before— though if they preferred to go about it this way, then so be it.

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