09 - Pain relief patches

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The sound of the shower running could be heard echoing inside the bathroom as you stood facing the shower head, allowing the lukewarm water to hit against your bare skin whilst ever so carefully attempting to massage the shampoo into your damped hair— only to wince slightly every once in a while as the throbbing pain from your back, and more particularly shoulder, would grow electrifyingly prominent with certain movements.

Tonight's evening shift at the restaurant had begun just like any other, and for the most part, everything had been moving along at a hectic yet still relatively smooth pace— though all of that took a drastic turn just about halfway through your shift, one of the kitchen staff had briefly left a metal trolley with a large stack of newly delivered ingredient boxes unattended; the boxes ranging in different shapes and sizes had been carelessly stacked on top of each other in a rushed manner a little too close to the edge, inevitably resulting in the rather tall and heavy stack easily tipping over and nearly collapsing on top of another waiter whom accidentally had bumped into it whilst passing by in the midst of the evening rush hour— hadn't it been for you quickly stepping in between him and the large boxes almost like a human shield, giving him the opportunity to jump away from it in time.

Needless to say, using your own body to protect someone else from the heavy and slightly sharp impact didn't come without a fair deal of pain, and there undoubtedly must have been some big splotches of red— possibly even faint bluish-purples forming underneath the skin's injured surface by now judging by the weight of the impact earlier, though thankfully your coworker had managed to escape entirely unharmed and most of the ingredients were surprisingly salvageable as well which made your selfless efforts all worth it in the end. The incident did however startle everyone quite a lot, and despite your stubborn attempts in assuring the main chef you were okay to keep on working til the end of tonight's shift, Hoseok still ended up ordering you to clock out early due to the obvious injury he had seen you sustain from the protective act— even advising you to go get a proper checkup which he'd cover the bill for, but you were quick to respectfully decline the offer, insisting you'd be okay with a mere stop at the pharmacy for something to relieve the pain.

Of course you'd go get a checkup at a later stage if you began to notice something seemed off, though for now, you felt perfectly content treating the injury yourself— that is of course not to say it didn't hurt a lot, though it did look a whole lot worse than it actually was.

A very faint whimper managed to escape past your lips as you once again seemed to have moved in a manner that sent yet another extra sharp shock of pain throughout your back and shoulder, snapping you out of your train of thoughts whilst defeatedly letting your left arm fall to your side with a sigh— feeling mildly frustrated by the constant sharp burst of pain and quickly just settled on only using your right hand to finish applying the conditioner to your hair as well as rubbing in the body wash so that this unpleasant shower session swiftly could be concluded.

However, just as you turned the shower off and stepped out, a hitched gasp instantly left your lips as a very certain idiot suddenly came stomping in straight through the closed bathroom door completely unannounced— urging you to hastily grab the nearest towel you could find to swiftly cover yourself up with whilst audibly cursing under your breath

Taehyung: There you are, I was wondering where you— woah, okay hello!

Jungkook: Fucking hell ghostie— the bathroom door is closed and locked for a damn reason!

You placed your hand over your rapidly beating heart in an attempt to soothe it whilst simultaneously shooting him a flustered glare, yet the practically unfazed male merely raised his hands defensively while a calm and almost playful smirk gradually began to tug at his lips— subtly eyeing you up and down for a very brief moment before mumbling out a calm ''I'd cover my eyes right now but ya know... Kinda transparent so wouldn't really do much?'' while casually leaning against the bathroom's doorframe— instantly causing you to groan softly while rolling your eyes, not feeling amused by his ill-mannered habits as you proceeded to properly secure the white towel around your waist whilst grumbling out another response

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