21 - Useful- or useless?

698 76 155


With a newfound determination coursing through your veins— and maybe a tad bit too much caffeine, you excitedly gathered your notebook, laptop, pens & well... that was actually it for now, though piles of potentially useful or useless documents and so forth were bound to pile up on the relatively small living room coffee table sooner or later anyway, so this was all that was needed to start the investigation off.

A pair of eyes filled with skepticism yet also a glint of hopefulness attentively lingered on you from the side whilst you bounced around the apartment, cheerfully babbling on about your plans for the investigation process whilst confidently reassuring the taller you'd find him more answers in no time. Naturally, the entity was still a bit hesitant about all of this considering his previous attempts alone had been unsuccessful, though this was a method he hasn't been able to try before and at this point ranked as his highest probability of finding answers of some sort.

Nevertheless, for now he mostly just seemed to enjoy watching from the sidelines as you eagerly settled down and almost immediately got to work; typing away at your computer and noting down whatever you thought could be of importance— just so that you could begin mapping out at least something which later could be crossed over if it turned out to be valueless information.

Considering you didn't have much else to go from besides a name and probable area, you knew the search realistically was bound to be difficult, maybe even close to impossible since there was no guarantee information relating to his death even would be out there, yet the satisfaction and hope of eventually being able to piece together some puzzle pieces gathered over time is what motivated you to stay optimistic and keep going despite one hour quickly turning into many more.

The concentration gradually caused your brows to furrow over time, as you attentively switched between sites— excitedly bouncing in your seat whenever you thought you had found something of potential value whilst adding it to your list; earning a deep and breathy chuckle from a certain male whom mindlessly had been pacing around the apartment for a while now, but seemingly stopped to watch you for a bit.

Taehyung: You know... It's nice seeing the spark in you ignite like this again— getting all excited over these seemingly small things just like now...

Instantly upon hearing his words, your eyes softened whilst quickly trailing over to look up at him; seeing how the tallers features were lit up into a gentle smile of amusement, causing a faint blush to involuntarily dust over your cheeks as he completely had caught you off guard before stuttering out a sheepish response

Jungkook: Oh— Y-Yeah... I suppose it is keeping me distracted from the worries, not to mention boredom— god I'm not used to having so much time off...

Another warm chuckle left his lips as he nodded slowly, and so you lightly patted the spot next to you while uttering out a soft ''C'mere ghostie, anything I've gathered so far ring a bell?''— earning a soft hum from the other whom now slumped down beside you before glancing over at the material you had collected so far, deeply concentrating yet eventually shaking his head in a slow and apologetic manner

Taehyung: None... I'm sorry Gguk

A quiet sigh escaped past your lips as you began to cross over your previous notations whilst grumbling out something inaudible, inevitably just ending up crumpling up the entire paper and throwing it towards a bin close by before staring on a completely blank page— though upon realizing how the poltergeist beside you had begun to spark a remarkable resemblance to one of a kicked puppy, a gentle smile tugged at your lips whilst you turned to face him; accusingly pointing a finger at him in a playful manner to hopefully lighten the mood a bit

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