13 - It's just the wind

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Lively chatter and warm laughs filled the small living room area as the three of you sat gathered around the coffee table; happily enjoying the delicious lunches, pastries, and favorite coffee orders which they had brought with the, and needless to say, this was by far one of the most delicious and happiest moments that's occurred over the past few months or so.

Their presence felt like a breath of fresh air and momentary relief from all stress and responsibilities which typically weighed heavy on your shoulders, and the way they so effortlessly cared for you in the seemingly the smallest ways nearly ended up bringing you to tears; realizing just how much you had longed for a sense of comfort and security— which you now received a temporary overflowing amount of.

It was hard not to just get caught up admiring the sight of the two of them enjoying the food and drinks whilst excitedly talking about different life events and interests that came to mind in this smooth conversation flow— of course not without the occasional playful bickering interruptions, though that wasn't anything uncommon and arguably just made it all the funnier and more intriguing. You didn't even realize how you accidentally had zoned out until Jin suddenly waved his hand in front of your eyes gently, finally snapping you back to reality as you bewilderingly blinked and straightened out your posture whilst letting out a soft ''Hm?''

Jin: Gguk you're doing that zoning out thingy again— you sure everything is okay?

A sheepish grin spread on your lips as you grabbed ahold of your coffee, using its straw to gently stir the ice around before taking a quick sip out of the delightful drink

Jungkook: Mhm, sorry I'm fine hyung. I just couldn't help but think about how much I missed this— how much I missed you two...

Immediately upon hearing your confession, their gazes softened in awe while warm smiles firmly remained plastered onto their lips, and you couldn't help but let out a breathy chuckle at the sight before mumbling out a timid ''Oh quit looking at me like that'' as you rubbed at your nape shyly— quickly earning a string of warm laughter from the two whom found it endearing and gently proceeded to nudge you or yet again messed with your hair in a playful manner

Yoongi: We missed you too Gguk, you really need to slow down these seemingly never-ending shifts of yours so that we get to see you more often...

Jin: We're immensely proud of how hardworking you are, but please remember you're not a machine— it's always okay to reach out and lean on us whenever you need bun.

Upon hearing their gentle words of comfort and reassurance, you couldn't bring yourself to meet their eyes as tears unwillingly had begun to well up yet again; blurring your vision slightly as you tried to blink them away while silently nodding in acknowledgment

I am not a machine...

The words rang in your mind almost like an echo before you quickly managed to pull yourself together, flashing them a bright and grateful smile while finally raising your gaze to meet their own worried ones again— hoping to lighten the mood as you skillfully spoke without allowing your tone to waver nor crack, knowing exactly what to say in order to quickly shift the mood and conversation topic before it got any more serious than it already was

Jungkook: Just what would I do without you two, hm? Though on a different note, I hope we momentarily can put our brotherly love aside as I clearly remember promising to beat both of your asses in mario kart again

Competitive smirks instantly formed on their lips while you calmly crossed your arms in a challenging manner, watching how one quickly hurried to turn on the tv and console while the other retrieved the three controllers and handed them out as you all moved to get comfortable together on the somewhat cramped couch

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