We not from 63 pt. 3

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I didn't proofread so just enjoy it🥰

A space fill in (details)🤷🏾‍♀️


"You said you didn't want her." I nodded my head because I did say that but ion like the fact he put his hands on no female. "So what's the problem son?" I juked my head back cuz who the fuck he calling his son. I raised my gun and shot this nigga twice. One in his chest and the other in his jaw. The blood spilled out of his face making me smile evilly. I heard a noise from behind me making me turn around with my gun aimed. "Von man it's just me." I dropped my gun as I said, "Where Y/n at?" He was silent for a second. I scrunched my eyebrows as I said, "Nigga where she at?" He kissed his teeth before saying, "She gone."



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Y/n p.o.v.

I was in my car driving as fast as I could through the streets of Chicago. I had already stopped by my house. I rushed through my house only grabbing my stash of money stuffing it into my empty suitcase. I grabbed my first aid kit, a few pairs of running shoes, and a few pair of undergarments. I left everything else. I threw some things around and broke a few things before leaving my door cracked open. I quickly got in my car and started it up backing out the driveway making my down the back way towards the furthest hotel I could find. I didn't stop one time to get food or gas. I would just wait to get gas when I'm near the airport. I couldn't believe that Von was this wicked and selfish. I gave myself to him and I thought he truly cared for me. I guess I was clearly wrong.

I kept driving until I felt sleepy. I pulled over to a motel that looked to be rundown. I didn't choose a Fancy hotel because I knew he'd mostly check them first. It was currently 3 in the morning. I had been driving for a few hours. I checked in and told them that I would only be staying for a few hours. And they gave me a key and I walked back outside parking my car in the back of the hotel behind the dumpster. I walked around the front and went into the building. I pulled out my phone as I pulled up a picture of Von, "Hey excuse me sir, may I talk to you please?" The short white man walked over to me as he smiled weirdly at me. Making me cringe. "How can I help you pretty lady?" I said, "I kind of need a small favor." His smile slightly dropped as he said, "Well what type of favor miss? "

I looked around as I said, "Well you see, I'm hiding from -" He turned to walk away as he interrupted me saying, "Oh sorry ma'am I'm going to have to report you if you are a wanted criminal, that's the law." I quickly stopped him from dialing the police as I said, "No no, sir I'm not a wanted criminal, I'm hiding from an old friend. He's Crazy." He looked at me up and down I showed him my phone as I said, "This is him." He grabbed my phone as he pulled his glasses down observing his photo. He nodded as he said, okay that's fine while passing me my phone back, but not letting it go, he caressed my hand. "But you know favors are going to cost you something right?"

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