The Prince himself even feared the childbed for his lover. He knew many woman had lost their lives to bare children for their husbands. Daemon had even witness the Queen close to death from it multiple times.

"You two will make beautiful children," Aemma cooed at the couple. Daemon smiled at the woman's remark and he looked to the woman he loved. Valera was blushing and staring at her mothers stomach.

Queen Aemma had always seen the affections between her good-brother and daughter. They practically grew up together, being 6 years apart in age. The Queen remembered how her daughter would be unconsolable at times until the little Prince came and held his little niece.

As the two grew, so did their connect, their friendship and affection. Aemma watched their relationship grow and blossom like a flower and it was something that she wished to watch prosper.

"Thank you, momma," the Princess smiled softly back at her mother, thinking about how wonderful a woman's body was. It was unfathomable to her that her body is capable of growing a life inside of it, that a human could fit inside her belly. The thought of a little babe that was half Daemon-half her exhilarated the Princess and she couldn't wait to be married.


By the months end, all the houses from around the Seven Kingdoms had begun flocking to Kings Landing in honor of the Queens impending labors.

Since Valera and Daemon's arrival back at court, Valera was given an official seat on the small council, but without an official title. The King had requested that his daughter get a real taste of politics if she was going to play with them. Daemon had retaining his title as Commander of the City's Watch, much to Otto Hightowers dismay.

The Prince and Princess had tried to press the matter of their marriage many times but the King largely ignored their requests. Either Viserys claimed he was too busy, or they needed to get through these celebrations before planning another. The Princess offered up the idea of a double celebration to her father, proposing that both the wedding celebration and the birthing celebration can be held simultaneously.

This offer was swiftly and harshly dismissed by the King, "I will not share my sons celebration with a marriage I do not support," Viserys told his daughter. This remark created another argument to break out, once again disturbing the peace that the halls of the Red Keep had held before the return of the Prince Daemon and Princess Valera.

By the days end, Queen Aemma had sent King Viserys to apologize to their daughter, requesting he have a sit down with her so they may talk through some of their differences, civilly.

After that night, the King and Valera were on better terms then they had been in many years which pleased the people at court and they enjoyed the peace while it lasted.

Valera sat to the left of her fathers seat, near the empty chair that Daemon usually sat in. As she stared longingly at the empty chair, her mind scattered with the possibilities of where Daemon might possibly be. The Targaryen Prince had not come to say goodnight to his niece like so many nights before.

Valera was only snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her fathers hand bring up the Prince. Viserys Targaryen and Otto Hightower had just entered the chambers of the small council room and they were speaking about events that had occurred in the night," it was an unprecedented roundup of criminals of every ilk. Your brother made a public show of it, meeting out the summary judgments himself."

Valera Targaryen: The Storm BringerWhere stories live. Discover now