fusion of opposition

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Fortunately, me and Mawt recognised what the gods didn't recognise too, and although we go about existence in totally opposite ways, and we disagree on so many things, I know that he is who he was always meant to be, it was his destiny to be the spirit of death, sure some actions are self produced, but some of his feelings and auras are embedded to his existence, they make him. He recognises that too for me, and although he exists in the Triqwen Island right now, which should be your next island, we still communicate from time to time, and I do miss him, and I know he misses me too. I leave you with my knowledge Alan, it is up to you to interpret it correctly"

Alan woke up, Pha regained control over himself, and the first thing he said was "I have never had Hayet do this to me, I didn't even know she was capable of doing such a thing, thwarting me from my free will.

-Hayet knows more than you think just like she can do more than you think, trust me I just experienced a snippet of her knowledge first hand, your spirit is very powerful, Pha".


"Opposites are complementary, not enemies, that's what Hayet wanted me to realise after she told me the full story of AZ, I also now have the full picture, previous I got scattered bits of information every now and then about the planet, but Hayet tied everything together" Alan spoke to himself out loud, hoping Velta would hear him.

A few seconds after everything got quiet, he started feeling pulses in his chest, but not from his heart, a beam of light came out in-between his eyebrows, his third eye Chakra has fully opened, even better than before it got closed.

"Who thinks, and trusts his thought

Will be surprised with what he's got

And levitate up, drop to the top

As if gravity stopped seeing his weight and forgot"

Alan casted a spell at a stack of chopped logs nearby, and they all floated up, then he shook the ground and it obeyed him, he realised that he got his Tribakwiyan magic back, and his terraformer magic too. He now needed to test TEIR and DCM, he was able to morph into all creatures he was able to become before the incident but he couldn't transform into a Meskosor yet, Velta still knows what she knew before but isn't able to learn anything new for Akkina, as to Kawazma, he couldn't fly, and for Lathinsé, he didn't feel it, he didn't feel that he had any amplified senses.


"If either of you wanted to know, the bodies and the heads got thrown into the water where they immediately dissolved.

-we didn't need to know that, Geija.

-you know I think it was a good idea for father to leave them out in the guillotine stool for three days before getting rid of them, so that any traitor that passes by could observe his future state and rethink his stance.

-Geija, we don't care.

-well that's you, don't speak for Alan

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