as long as we're entangled

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The book of creatures:

Volume VIII: common creatures of all islands

Part one: fauna

Division one: material fauna

Creature one: purple emittees

The purple tree is a tree that exists in every Island of Nyangotrama, at a random time of year, it glows, creating little creatures that glow, just like fireflies, they  remain alive until the end of night, but if you enclose them you'd be able to keep them for longer, the creature is called the purple emittee, there is no purple in it, as it glows with a golden color, but its name is due to the tree that birthed it.

First appearance: 0 a.r.o (after the rage outbreak)


I use Qyn's breath when I want to teleport in Gwantavision, seamlessly moving from place to place. It amplifies your spirit's power more than any other potion, it also strengthens your connection to your spirit, I only have one potion of Qyn's breath, and to be able to maximise the results, you need to take it at a very specific moment..

Your connection to your spirit is at its strongest when performing magic or learning it, I don't want you to just drink the potion right now, I will be with you when trying to gwantaview, and the second you get close to it, I will be able to sense it, and will make you drink the potion.

-why Gwantavision? Why not something familiar like terraforming?

-Velta already knows terraforming, so much so that doing it doesn't require so much focus and connectivity anymore, sure terraforming extensions that I previously mentioned will be requiring connection but I want you to leave them for Touh, trust me you will have plenty of time to learn them there. Gwantavision is new to Velta, and to Alan, when Gwantaviewing, you and your spirit are at the zenith of binding, the hardest magic to learn is Shifter DCM, but you also learned it, so Gwantavision is now your biggest challenger, which is exactly why it needs to be tackled first.

-this is the equivalent of fighting a final level boss with default beginner items in a game, but I trust you.

-I will pretend to understand what you just said. Enough time wasted, get into a meditating stance, it is time for Okko to teach you what true Gwantavision is about"

Alan got into the lotus position, Okko shook his head "no Alan, not Padmasana, that is not the correct positing for these teachings"

Okko forced Alan into a headstand, that was the meditation position he meant, Alan was allowed to use his hands to lessen the pressure on his neck but he wasn't allowed to get down

"why are we doing this

-wait Alan, you will find out soon. For the time being, focus.

-I CAN'T FOCUS ON ANYTHING. Besides the fact that I feel like all of my blood is rushing into my brain, I'm starting to get dizzy and I can't see clearly

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