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"I tried to sleep but I couldn't, might as well do something, better than staying in bed and flopping around endlessly like a dead fish until the suns rise, Alan by the way

-I know who you are, I've been following you, with what you're trying to do now, Gwantavision, Okko

-wait.. you're the Artely who first introduced the idea of individuality and un-labeled themself

-in the flesh" Okko then sat down with a yixing teapot in his hand and small tea cups

"Come sit with me, Jasmin tea helps clear the mind and calm down the million voices screaming inside of your head preventing a good night's sleep, you need it

-thank you" Alan went and sat down, questioning his overly calm demeanour and friendliness, he then blew lightly on the tea and took a sip

"I hope you like it.

-it's really refreshing, thank you.

-refreshing to the body, rejuvenating to the soul, as it has always been. What's wrong my child?

-nothing, it's just..you're so friendly and welcoming, and Pnomal is cold-hearted and mean, I knew the unlabeled Artelys are divers but I thought they'd look up to their leader to some degree

-I am nobody's leader but my own, I am in equal value as any other creature here, including the Jasmin plant that graced me with its flowers to brew this tea.


Alan thought to himself "hah, wish you were with me when I had to prove to the striders that plants were alive, that was a real pain"


"Also, Pnomal looks up to me, a lot, it may not look like it but he does.

-then why does he act so..cruel

-a defense mechanism

-defense from what?

-from his heart

-what do you mean

-Pnomal fears himself, Pnomal controls Pnomal and keeps him tamed, if the brain lets the heart loose it may overtake and flood the body, but as long as the brain is in control, the body will not be flooded, the process will unfortunately compromise emotions.

-I'm still a bit confused, could you elaborate further on what you're trying to say?

-think of phobias, there are really only two ways to treat a phobia, and they're complete opposites yet lead to the same results, peace. There's the first method, avoidance, you just try to avoid what you fear at all cost, the downside is if destiny puts it in your path one day. The second option is exposure, you constantly expose yourself to what you fear in more invasive ways each time until you build an immunity, now this is extremely frightening at the beginnings which is why most people tend to choose the first path, and some people who chose said path manage to live their whole lives being able to avoid their fear, Pnomal being one of them.

Xynar's realityМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя