Chapter 9 : The Diary III

Start from the beginning

"JeMair, are you alright?" He felt Daive's hand on his shoulder.

He glanced at him with his usual serious face. "What?"

"It was already clean." Daive pointed at the floor as JeMair's eyes followed. "You kept wiping even if you had already got rid of the blood." The latter added.

"I like clean." He just simply said.

JeMair stood up and then walked pass Daive to drain the rug that he was using. He felt Daive following him from behind so he furrowed his brows and turned to him.

"Needed something?"

Daive scratched the back of his head. "Er, if you're not feeling fine just head home. I can call Jei or Gero to come and help me."

"Why wouldn't I be fine?"


"I've cleaned blood many times, Daive." The latter seemed to have been taken aback by what he said. "I've taken cared of corpses more than you can count." JeMair watched as Daive's eyes widened.

" did?" Daive's panicked mumbles almost made him chuckle.

JeMair smirked, it's rare to see the class president scared since he's always so calm, no matter what the situation is. "My father's not just a businessman but also a doctor and my mom used to be vet before working at a funeral parlor, I've cleaned all kinds of human blood and held different kinds of corpses before." He cleared.

Daive sigh in relief. "JeMair, don't scare me like that again. I'm not use to you joking."

"I didn't do it on purpose. I was just trying to make you understand that it was nothing to me, I'm used to it. There's no need to involve others in this." He explained as he went back to what he was doing, Daive could only sigh and nod.

"Who do you think would do such horrible thing to Miss Jinx?" Asked Daive, leaning against the wall. "Even if she's such a horrible teacher, I don't think she's one of the people who deserved to be killed in such way." He added.

JeMair turned to him. "Why? What kind of people deserve to be killed that way?"

Daive went silent for a moment. "People who took lives deserved to suffer the same way." He whispered.

"Do you also think that Mike did it?"

"No, I know Mike and I don't believe he would do such thing."


"But don't you think it's getting dangerous in our school?" JeMair stopped what he was doing due to Daive's question.

"Everywhere is dangerous."

"No, it's more dangerous here since Angela Pines-"
"Daive." JeMair gave him a look, telling him to stop.

"What? Why are we not allowed to even talk about her. I mean, she's already-"

"Daive, stop it. You're the class president, you of all people should know about it." JeMair gave him a meaningful look.

Daive could only sigh and nod. "Fine. Let's just do what we have to do so we could go home. I know you're tired since you look like you haven't been asleep since yesterday."

They both went back to what they were doing earlier. After making sure that they've cleaned everything as new, the pair locked the faculty room and begun walking across the field to the gate. Before parting ways, Daive and JeMair gave each other a nod and walked away.

Back at the office, Launce and Nhissie are busy looking at the tons of papers resting on top of their tables. Launce looked bored while playing with his pen while Nhissie was busy reading some paper.

"Hey, partner, there's an interesting case I read." Launce placed his pen down and looked at her.

Nhissie stopped what she's doing to look at her partner. "What kind of case?"

Launce sat down properly. "Do you know what a death note is?"

"Death note?" Nhissie furrowed her brows.

"Yeah. The notebook that kills people whose names are written on it? The one with Kento Yamazaki and Masataka Kubota in it?" Launce laughed when Nhissie glared at him. "What?"

"That's not a case, Launce. That's just fiction."

"What? I love L though but Yagami Light was cool too."

"Stop playing around, you're not a kid anymore."
"I'm not playing around. I was just thinking that if you're assumption was right, then could it be that the diary was like the death note?" Launce's face turned serious.

"What do you mean? The death note kills people whose names are written on it. I see no names written on the diary." Nhissie twitched her lips.

"What if it's the other way around?"


"What if the people who's writing on the diary dies instead?"

"Launce, that doesn't make sense. If there are numerous people dying around Missori, there should have been a report but there's nothing aside from Angela Pines and recently, Jinx Twain, the research teacher." She contradicted his suggestion.

Launce perked his lips and sigh. "Ugh! Whatever." I groaned and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Nhissie asked.

"I'm going to rewatch Death Note, I miss my favorite detective L.Lawliet." Launce wink before heading out the door, Nhissie could only sigh as she shook her head.

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