"Really?" Kakashi's eyes brightened, and he looked at Ino expectantly.

The happiness in his eyes make Ino heart flutter a bit

"Of course "while patting her lap and looking at him expectantly

"W-what?" Kakashi blushed in embarrassment.

"Put your head here," Ino suggested.

"Are you sure?" Kakashi was nervous.

"We've done it before. You want to or not?" Ino prompted.

"R-right," Kakashi agreed, laying his head on her lap. "Please don't tell your parents, alright?"

"Of course not. I didn't even tell them that you stayed over at my house years ago," Ino assured him.

Relieved, Kakashi thanked her. Ino leaned against a tree, closing her eyes, enjoying the peacefulness while patting Kakashi's hair.

Kakashi hummed appreciatively at her patting, reminiscing about a similar moment.

"This position reminds me of that night," Kakashi commented.

"Hmm..." Ino replied, still with her eyes closed.

"You're really pretty, Ino-chan... even hot," Kakashi complimented bluntly, startling Ino.

"W-what?! Why all of a sudden? What's gotten into you?" Ino blushed and covered her face in embarrassment.

"Why not? It's the truth," Kakashi replied playfully.

"*Sigh*, oh Kakashi..."

"Hehe, I like seeing you blush," Kakashi teased, making Ino huff.

"Ino-chan...?" Kakashi hesitated.

"Yeah... what now?" Ino asked cautiously.

"C-can I... I...ugh, just forget it," Kakashi stammered, covering his face.

"Just tell me already," Ino sighed.

"Promise me you won't be mad?" Kakashi peeked through his fingers.

"I promise," Ino assured him.

"C-can I... hug your waist?" Kakashi looked at Ino hesitantly.

"What?! Are you crazy?! Are you being a pervert?" Ino shouted, surprised.

"N-no! I just... I feel like... I have an urge to hug it, that's all," Kakashi explained meekly.

"If you do anything, I'll make sure my father breaks you mentally!" Ino warned, slightly exasperated.

Frightened, Kakashi nodded. "I promise I won't be a pervert around you, okay?"

"Alright," Ino said cautiously.

"So... can I?" Kakashi asked, looking at Ino with puppy-dog eyes.

Ino sighed and nodded, resigning herself to the situation.

"Yay!" Kakashi cheered in a childlike manner, hugging her waist and beaming at her.

'What am I going to do with this man?' Ino thought to herself, smacking her forehead.

Suddenly, Kakashi buried his face into her stomach, making Ino squirm a little.

"K-Kashi?! What are you doing?" Ino asked, startled.

"Hmm sorry it's just that you're so warm and smell really nice . It makes me feel in peace and comfort. I feel like I'm going to sleep *yawn* . And is that a new nickname ,kashi? Hmm I like it , it sounds nice " He smile slyly and sleepyly at the speechless Ino.

"Oh god, what have I got i myself into?"smacking her forehead

While Kakashi only snicker sleepyly  and continue burying his face into Ino stomach , sleep and snore a few minutes later .

"What a big baby *sigh*" Ino mumbled, but soon, tiredness overcame her, and she fell asleep.

Thus, both Ino and Kakashi dozed off in that position: Ino leaning against the tree, and Kakashi with his head on her lap

Ahhh what a sight to behold

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