new years - chapter 18

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New years was in two days.

You had gone home,just like everyone else, for Christmas. Your hometown wasn't that far away but it seemed like a different dimension compared to the life you were used to by now.

It was peaceful - but it left you with a lot of free time on your hands..You took the time to enjoy it with your family as well as to get caught up with your highschool friends.

But in your heart,
you missed your friends at the place you now called home. Miyeon,the club members and Jungkook became a crucial part of your life in such a short time.

Its been only three months since you met everyone.

Everything seemed to go by in a blur.Mostly the fun memories you made that seem so distant now.When you were cramming and preparing for exams it seemed like the days would never end.

But here we were.A beginning of a New year.
That always brings some new expectations along with it.You weren't so sure what you wanted for the next year to bring you.

You were happy with Jungkook,you really were.Everyday you became even closer to everyone else.You were good this year and managed to do everything on time.So your only wish for the New Year?

I hope everything remains the way it is.

Even when you were younger you always loved New Years as a holiday.It seemed like a good excuse to go crazy in the name of it being New Years.

And for this year? Of course, a party was planned.
Everyone was going to be there.This time you figured you could go with Jungkook but you didn't have to spend the entire night with him.
It was his idea anyway.He said it was a good comprise and according to him you forcing him to study was a comprise he took.

It was the morning of December 31st .A day later than you had planned to go back.
You said your goodbyes and went to the station.

There was something that made traveling alone much more fun to you.Sure friends make it fun but sometimes all you need are headphones and a good seat.
You shuffuled through your playlist while daydreaming and coming to terms with everything thats been going on in the last couple of days.
Trough that big mashup of thoughts the question on what you could wear tonight lurked up too.

The ride didn't take too long.It was harder to walk from the station to the dormitory.It was cold and far away and in that moment you regretted not asking someone to pick you up beforehand.
But what was there was there.

After you got to your dorm,surprisingly Miyeon was there.
"I thought you wouldn't be back till after the New Years?"you questioned while you hugged her.
She sighed explaining that there had been a change of plans.She also informed you this time she would also be at the party so you agreed you would meet up there.

You were stoked at the idea of Miyeon at a party losing her always perfect put together appearance she always had going on .

This time the girls were coming over to your place to get ready.You were...intimidated to say the least.And you wondered if you would even have enough place incase they planned on crashing there.You were probably going to stay with Jungkook but it wasn't like you made plans

After some chatting with Miyeon,you cleaned up and got the place ready for your guests.You took your everything shower back home so you were all set.

Now all that was left was for the girls to arrive.
You wasted your time scrolling and even taking some pictures to use as a "before reference".
While having your phone - your phone rang and it lighted up with the contact name "Rosie".

You guided them into your home.
Your dorm was very well furnished compared to the stuff other people would live in but it was no giant mansion status.

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