the cabin trip - chapter 10

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You were brought to the real world by the repeated sound of a car honking.

"Guess thats my ride.See you Miyeon." you went over to hug her before leaving.

It seemed to be unexpected to her but she still hugged you back tightly after a bit.

You made your way to Rosé's car.This was the first time you've seen her car.It was a pink Porsche.

That also happened to be your dream car.

"How fitting." you thought to yourself.

The inside of the car was just as luxurious as the outside.

The wheel was a pale pink like most of the interior while the seats were white.

You opened the door and sat on the passenger's seat.

"Hi!" she screamed as soon as she saw you while you hugged her tight.

"Little J's gonna be mad you sat on her seat."

"Agh! I don't see her name on it."
you said jokingly rolling your eyes.

"Actually check the front of the seat."

There was an actual J written on it.

"Jesus Christ."

Damn these rich people you thought.

"Im just messing with ya." Rosé said while she turned up hype music and accelerated to Jennie's house.

"You live with your parents too right Rosé?"

"No.I am actually staying in an apartment near our campus. I couldn't live with them even if they forced me to."

"Nobody in the club lives in the dorms right?"

"Yeah most of us live away from our parents.But Jennie's are mostly abroad so she lives there.She says its too much of a pain to move."

"That does sound like her." you said while you guys waited parked in front,your eyes searching for Jennie.

She soon came out wearing black Nike sweatpants with a puffy jacket on top caring a backpack on her back and holding a plastic bag.

She noticed you in the passenger's and she made her way to the back seat.


"I stole your seat." you said smiling as soon as she saw down.

"I know. You're lucky you're pretty Y/N."

You laughed while you turned around to look at her.You playfully grabbed her hand.

Rosé stayed quiet for some time.

You assumed it was because she was focused getting out of the traffic.

"Why must you live in such a busy neighborhood."

"Not my fault the cabins in some shithole."

"How long till we get there?" you asked.

"About half an hour or so."

"Why do you ask?"

"I guess that's enough time to talk about things we can't when we get there."

The phone that was lighting Jennie's face was immediately dropped faced down when she heard you say that.

"You mean like PERIODS?!" jennie said mockingly.

"Um.No." you said trying to respond still taken a back from her random outburst.

"It's about Jungkook."

"Oh!That I need to hear right now." said Rosé while steering the wheel.

"Basically we got into a fight."
"WHAT?! What did he do."

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