the date - chapter 13

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Tuesday morning

You did your usual everyday routine.

Looking out the window just to get a glimpse on what to expect from today.

Even though it was well into winter already,the sun warmed every corner of the city.

The day already had started on a good note,you walked into the kitchen.On the fridge was a post-it note from your roomate:

「Ieftovers 4 u xoxo」

You were done with lectures.

Next week exams were starting - everyone was busy cramming last minute so you didn't have many options.

You were excited to go out in general.

You opened the fridge and ate the avacado toast that Miyeon had made this morning.

You decided to make the most of your day.Then you checked in with the group chat and of course they were slackers who were free to talk.After lecturing Mark,you turned on your favorite show and relaxed while you planned out what you'll be doing today.

You started with some pilates and journaling.Writing really does help,sometimes you don't want to overwhelm anyone with your problems so the best way is to work it out with yourself.

Even though you didn't want to admit it most most of your day was just preparing for the main event.

Tuesday morning

Jungkook had woke up pretty late.Of course,he stayed up playing valorant with his buddies again.

The difference from the younger him who would spend all his time on video games and him now - is that he had friends he'd stay up every night talking to.

But lately, he found himself staying up and even waking up early just to catch up to this one girl.

Though he couldn't pinpoint exactly what about her attracted him.In fact,he didn't even know if the feeling was mutual and that was a new found problem for him.

The girls he approached were always all over him - if he ever even approached then first.

You agreeing to go out with him was a good sign but did you want to be exclusive with him?

He figured he could use this chance to mention it - from the way he heard people talking about you, he figured it wasn't good to waste anytime - sure you would joke around but you never talked about relationships that seriously.

All of these thoughts had been running through his mind while he was eating his sandwich.

His apartment was always full of people to the point he had atleast five friends staying over each night.

He didn't like living alone but his parents didn't agree with him having a roomate but he practically lived with his best friends - Eunwoo and Mingyu.

He was close with a lot of friend groups . He was always pretty popular but felt like those friendships lacked any depth.

Those two were the only ones who knew about the two of you.

Now I don't think I need to even to describe an apartment only men would live in for you to picture it.

It was extremly messy but you motivated him to take care of it time from time.

Tuesday afternoon

You did some reading for your classes because you were to distracted to study.

You still didn't even have an outfit picked out!

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