pink cappuccino - chapter 04

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You were driving on a bus.

A mysterious man was in the passenger's seat.You walked up to him.

The unusual silence was suddenly broken by him : " It's either you jump out right now or we all die "
You didn't even stop to think about it.

You jumped out the bus right away.

The only thing you thought of was the fact the man looked and sounded a bit like Jaehyun.

You found yourself diving into an ocean now.

You were sinking deeper and deeper.

Is this how reallly how your life ends?

Before you've even got to experience it?

The horrible regret was short-lived as you opened you eyes.

What a weird dream you thought.
It was kinda embarrassing how you were already dreaming about someone you just met.

You barely got any quality sleep last night.
You somehow managed to roll out of bed.

The only thing keeping you sane was the thought of you coming home after your last lecture and sleeping right away.

You walked into the kitchen.
Miyeon was eating her breakfast.

"Morning sleepy head! You want some?"

You groaned and simply nodded while you started preparing your coffee.

Miyeon glanced over to you. She looked at your puffy eyes and messy hair .

"Y'know this is a real contast from yesterday"

You weren't in the mood for joking around but still you managed to cough up a laugh.

Miyeon poured some cereal into a bowl already prepared on the table for you.

She made cereal mixing jam,yogurt and oatmeal and topped it with some fruit.It was a refreshing but not a very filling breakfast.

You rushed to your room to grab a scrunchie and your notes. You tyed your hair while you made your way back to the kitchen while holding the notes under your arms

"Youre really gonna revise right now?"


"C'mon Sana was in his class last year.He never gives pop quizzes. You should just take it easy for now.Talk to meee" Miyeon looked at you while pouting.

"Well I guess you're right. You glanced a bit over your notes a bit before setting them aside.

"So what does the great Miyeon have to say?"

"Well,anything new happening with the club?"

"Yeah actually I spoke to all of them through text but I havent met all of them.I'm going out with Rosé and Jennie today actually."

"Actually!?" She interrupted you

"Will it be just the three of you?"

"They said a few more people will be there"

"Well, don't get me wrong Rosé is chill from what I know but she hangs out with literally everyone."

"How is that a bad thing?She seems friendly so it makes sense "

"Yeah but shes friend with some questionable people too and you know what they say a friend to all is a friend to none."

"Like who?"

"Well I can't name them right now but just be careful.What about rest of the members what are they like?"

"Well there's Jennie she's really chill and funny as well"

the butterfly effectNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ