"You are fucking defending this traitor?!"

"Traitor? How the hell is Lisa a traitor?"

"She is fucking dating the bitch of the West!"

The male student surged forward, Lisa unsure if he was targeting Lisa or BamBam, but her childhood fried stepped forward to meet the student, his hands gripping the student by the shoulders and shoving him away from Lisa, turning himself into a human barrier as he positioned himself between Lisa and the student.

"Back off!"

"No way, not until I get answers from this fucking traitor!"

The male student surged forwards again, this time Lisa knowing that he was coming after her, but BamBam did not allow him. He shoved the male student again, only to curse when the student threw a punch at him. BamBam dodged the first punch but did not anticipate the second punch, getting hit right in the side. The male student began to rain down punches on BamBam, the Thai male hissing and cursing at each punch, prompting the crowd to suddenly circle around them, chanting for the two of them to continuing fighting, overwhelming Lisa entirely.

The blonde stood up and hurried towards the two male students, her hands reach out to push the male student away, BamBam kneeling on the floor as he tried to grapple with the male student's leg,

"Stop! Stop it!"

"You!" the male student stopped his assault of BamBam to instead grab Lisa by the hair, making the blonde hiss in pain as she immediately went to grab at his hand, trying her best to wrench her hair free from its captive. The male student tugged Lisa closer to him by her hair. "All year you have been kicking all those rich bastards' asses and now you are suddenly dating one? The fucking queen of them all? Fuck you!"

"Yeah, fuck you Lisa!"

"You traitor!"

"You lunatic!"

"You damn backstabber!"

Tears began to form in Lisa's eyes as the male student began to shake her by the hair, spouting more venomous words to her, followed by the crowd as they continued to toss all sorts of verbal abuse towards her. All the words were piercing each side of her body like daggers, crippling Lisa as tried to wrench herself free from the male student, but to no avail.

"To think I looked up to you, to think that I thought that you finally were-"

The male student didn't manage to continue his tangent when he was suddenly tackled to the floor, BamBam shaving dived into his stomach from his position on the floor. Only Lisa did not go unscathed as she was pulled along for the fall, hissing loudly when she felt a few of her strands get ripped out of her scalp. She landed hard on the ground, her palms protesting as she caught herself, stinging from the impact. Lisa immediately lifted them to see the damage before turning her head to see BamBam raining punches down on the male student.

"Don't you dare speak to Lisa like that!"

Lisa was completely frozen on the floor, staring at the scene in shock while the crowd of students continued to encourage the fight, all chiming together as BamBam and the male student started to roll about on the floor. Despite being the center of attention, Lisa found herself being ignored, which was something which she decided to take advantage of.

While she hated the idea of leaving BamBam behind, there was nothing much that she could do. Her already injured wrist was screaming in pain, along with her palms, and Lisa knew that she would not be able to defend herself properly, so running away was the only strategy that she could use. Lisa somehow managed to navigate her way out of the crowd and immediately started heading in the direction of her dormitory, it being the only place where she was safe.

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