“Huh?” Steve glared, and Haleigh became frightened.

She hesitated, still wanting to struggle a bit, “Dad, I… I am her elder after all. Since when do elders apologize to their juniors?”

“Elder! Do you even act like one? You have the nerve to say that!” Steve scolded without any


“If you don’t speak up today, then get out of my house and never come back! I mean it!” he


Upon seeing Steve like this, Carmen knew that an apology was inevitable. Unwilling to take the lead, she hid behind Haleigh and turned her head away.

Haleigh had no choice but to brace herself and approach Aylin.

Aylin didn’t stand up, but simply raised her head. Although she was sitting, she exuded the air of someone in a higher position, scrutinizing those around her.

Haleigh didn’t want to talk anymore.

“Speak up, you mute!” Steve shouted angrily.

Startled, Haleigh stammered, “1-I’m sorry…”

Carmen has always looked down on Aylin, so having her apologize to Aylin would be a huge blow to

her pride.

Under Steve’s stern gaze, Carmen could only humbly apologize. Her face turned red as she barely managed to say the words “I’m sorry” before turning her head and running off to the side.

If this had happened three years ago, Aylin would have definitely insisted, with genuine fear and

trepidation, that the two of them not be so overly polite.

As time changes and the world evolves, she is no longer the same person who used to bend over

backwards to please Gavyn and let others walk all over her.

This is what the mother and daughter duo owed her in the first place!

She is fully qualified to receive it!

After listening intently, Steve looked at Aylin with a kind smile and asked, “Aylin, are you with their apology?”


In fact, Aylin didn’t really care about this small punishment, but she knew it was Steve’s way of

expressing his remorse. She was touched and nodded, “Mhm.”

“But Grandpa Steve, they did have a point,” Aylin changed the subject. “I know you care about me and treat me like your own granddaughter. Your intentions are more than enough, and I’ll make

sure to visit you often.

As for the formality, I don’t really care. Besides, Gavyn and I had an amicable divorce, so there’s no need for an additional layer of identity.”

In other words, they have already gone their separate ways and don’t want to have any further

involvement with each other!

Steven went silent.

Steve’s face fell, his heart sinking!

He knew Aylin well enough to understand that she wouldn’t say such a thing about Gavyn unless she was utterly disappointed in him.

Once upon a time, he had taken a liking to Aylin because of her kind heart and her genuine affection. for Gavyn. She truly cared for the Delacruz family’s well-being. Moreover, now that Aylin’s true identity had been revealed as the heiress of the Koch family, she was a perfect match for their family in terms of social status!

If they get divorced, then this marriage should indeed be a wonderful thing!

It’s all because of his good-for-nothing grandson who’s gone blind!

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed Steve became. He looked up and glared fiercely at Gavyn. You little rascal, you can’t appreciate a fine gem! You’re driving me crazy!

Paulo Could Not Hold Back Anymore.

Gavyn was both insulted and ridiculed, his face turning unspeakably unpleasant.

Does Aylin really like me?

How could she bear to watch me marry someone else if she truly loved him? And how could she treat me so coldly within just a month?

If she doesn’t love me, then why did she marry me?

So many emotions are weighing heavily on his heart.

His brow twitched, unable to hold back any longer. Suddenly, he reached out to grab Aylin’s wrist and pulled her, intending to leave.

“Come out, let’s talk.”

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