Chapter 17: The End

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Silence.. Nothing but the beating hearts of the two. Polterpup pushed Luigi forward and barked at him. Luigi cleared his throat and looked up at Bower. “Bowser.. I-” He began, but before he could even continue he began to shake and break down crying. Seeing this made Bowser’s heartbreak even more than it already did. “I-I’m sorry..” Luigi muttered out as he fell to his knees, crying. Bowser couldn’t help but get down on his knees as well and hold onto Luigi, comforting him. 

“No I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.. But I need to know.. Was this just a game to you? A mission just to make sure the Mushroom Kingdom was safe?..” Bowser said as he tried his best from breaking down as well. 

“No! Never! Bowser I do love you! I love you more than I love a Spaghetti and that's a saying something!” Luigi said as he put his hands on Bowser’s face to make them look at eachother. Bowser couldn't help but weakly chuckle at the last part, his laughter went away as quick as it came.

“Then what was the letter?..” He asked with a saddened expression on his face. Luigi kept his hands on Bowser’s cheeks and kept holding his head up to make them look at eachother. 

“It was nothing! My brother wanted me a to do that! I was never going to, I don’t a have the heart to manipulate you.. I love you..” Bowser’s tail began to wag like a dog’s when he heard the last part. Bowser placed his one hand on Luigi’s cheek and the other on his waist. As they looked at each other in the eyes, with a twinkle in their eyes, they inched closer and closer before they were just inches apart.

“LUIGI!” A voice was heard, Bowser and Luigi looked over to see who it was. . . It was Mario and Princess Peach. Though they focused on Mario, he was the one that yelled. “What are you doing?!” He yelled as Luigi quickly got up and Bowser followed. 

“H-How long have you been there?..” Luigi asked, stuttering, Bowser saw how nervous he was and pulled him closer but this only angered Mario even more.

“Long enough, now let a go of my brother Bowser, you're not a welcome here!” Mario said as he tried to grab his brother but Bowser pulled him away.

“I’m not leaving without what’s mine..” Bowser said with a growl in his voice, smoke blowing out of his mouth and nose. Luigi couldn’t help but blush at this a bit,  Mario just looked in utter shock and confusion. 

“Yes you a are.. Now let him a go before things get a physical..” Mario said, beginning to lose his temper, Bowser smirked at this and responded.

“Try me little man..” Before Bowser knew it, Mario had grabbed a 1-up Mushroom, ate it, and punched Bowser in the face. That was it, Mario and Bowser began to fight. Luigu began yelling at them to stop but to no avail they didn’t. Tears began to roll down Luigi’s eyes as he kept yelling for them to stop suddenly another yell was heard. 


 Everyone looked over, they all knew that voice, it was Peach’s, she was holding the photo of Luigi, Bowser, and the Koopalings. Polterpup must have given it to her. “You two are clearly upsetting Luigi! Now stop fighting and listen.” Mario and Bowser stopped fighting, and they looked at Peach. “Mario, look at this Photo, does Luigi look hurt or unhappy in any way?” 

“N-no..” Mario said, looking away, Peach walked over to Luigi and gave him the photo. 

“Are you happy with Bowser?” She asked, Luigi looked at her and wiped his tears away, he smiled and nodded. “Then be with him..” She said before getting out of the way, Bowser ran to Luigi and picked him up, kissing him passionately. Luigi Happily kissed back, Polterpup barked happily. Mario wanted to attack Bowser but Peach glared at him and he stayed back by her side. After a moment he smiled slightly. Luigi really was happy, maybe he could let this slide. . . and he did.


After two long happy years, Bowser and Luigi finally got married, everything was truly perfect. The kingdoms were at peace, Bowser and Luigi never felt alone again, and the Koopalings got the mother they always dreamed of. Bowser and Luigi had many fun little adventures together. They even adopted an abandoned orange tabby baby kitten. They named him Lucky and he and Bowser were inseparable. Luigi never thought he could have his happy end but here he was, and he wouldn’t change or trade it out for anything.

[This is the end guys! A tiny but rushed cause I was running out of ideas and I wanted to start my hope you enjoyed! Cya next time my friends]

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