Chapter 10: StoryTime

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[Fighting the everyday, increasing, urge to add Beauty in the Beast songs(Specifically “Something There”)]

It had been around 12:30 and the koopalings had convinced Kamek to have a picnic in the garden with Luigi. As always Kamek was floating on a cloud and reading a book while the koopalings surrounded the plumber and ate their food. They had been showing him pictures of past generations within this big book they found in the library. They knew some stories of certain kings and or queens that either Kamek or Bowser had told them so they are sharing what they knew. They reached where the previous king and or queen’s section would be. There was nothing there, just like how there was no portrait of the past king and or queen within the castle. 

“Erm.. Do you a know why there doesn’t seem to be any photos of your grandparents anywhere?” Luigi finally asked, the children all went silent and this worried the frail plumber.

Ludwig then finally spoke up “We.. don’t know..” The silence continued and since Kamek was listening to all this, he spoke.

“Children, didn’t you forget the games?” The koopalings then all looked around and got up and ran inside the castle to grab them. Luigi chuckled at this, as Kamek floated over to the green Mario brother. “So you want to know about the previous king and queen?” Kamek then asked, grabbing Luigi's attention, he nodded slowly. Kamek used his magic and an old dusty book appeared in his hand, he blew off the dust and Luigi sneezed, “Bless you” Kamek then said.

“Scuzi and gracias.” Luigi thanked as he placed his hands back into his lap, waiting for Kamek to continue. 

“Long ago.. Before Bowser was born.. Lived a king and queen. Mr. and Mrs. Koopa, ironic last name I know.” Kamek opened the book and showed old mural-like pictures. “I knew them when I first started off as an adviser, years ago. They were very kind and fair, they wanted nothing more than to keep their people healthy and safe. A few years later, a prince Bowser was born, it was a wondrous day really. He was a “Rainbow baby” as you humans call them.” Kamek’s facial expression saddened as he turned to the next page. “Only 3-4 months later, the Mushroom Kingdom attacked.” They were a small kingdom at the time, so it was very unexpected, the king and queen fought back fiercely, but to no avail…” Kamek paused for a moment, and turned the next page to a mural-like picture of two flags of the king and queen being raised up. “They were killed.. The Mushroom Kingdom took much of our crop lands and we were left with only our villages where crops can barely grow. As their adviser I took over their duties and took care of Bowser until he was of age to start making decisions and eventually take place as king.” Kamek slammed the book shut. “You see what your people have done to us?..” Kamek asked as he looked back up from the book and at Luigi, his expression shocked him. The green Mario brother infront of him had tears in his eyes?

“That's a so horrible.. I'm a so sorry for you guys..” Luigi muttered as he wiped his tears away. Kamek was astonished at the sight of this, was this just pity or pure empathy? The children returned with a bunch of games and ran over to Luigi once they saw that he was crying, comforting him, and a lot bombarding Kamek with questions like what happened and was this his fault. Luigi just tried to calm the children down and explained that he just heard of something sad and that Kamek did nothing. Kamek however was in his own world, trying to figure out the intentions of Luigi. Then, iggy asked something that got him out of his train of thought. 

“Hey Pop-pop, will dad be able to make it to dinner tonight after his meetings.” This also got the other koopalings attention.

“I’m afraid not, but! Me and you guys will be going out to dinner tonight! Ordered by your father as a "I'm sorry gift” for having to miss regular dinner time.” The children cheered for a moment and then began setting up games. Something then clicked within Luigi’s head, He would be having dinner with Bowser alone. Luigi gulped, why was he nervous, this wasn’t like a date or something. But what if he said something stupid and upset Bowser, oh god, he was afraid.

[So I can't update tmr or the 22 this month so I worked extra hard today and made a whole chapter today]

A strange Love [Bowuigi Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora