Chapter 12: Comfort

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Bowser was stunned, he had never been kissed on the cheek before by someone other than his family. No matter how hard he tried in the past, he couldn't even get Peach to blow him a kiss. Which was understandable but still, this was a complete surprise. He then felt his face begin to heat up as he was processing everything, his heart started to beat faster as well. This isn’t like when Bowser “loved” Peach before, this was different, exciting, and scary. Bowser decided to just head to his room and lay down. Once he did, he still had not calmed down one bit. His head was racing, he couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss. What would it have been like if it was a real kiss? He took a deep breath, trying to get that thought out of his head and get some sleep. If he is tired or uncalm, his children will notice and ask many questions.

The next day, everything went back to normal… sorta. When Bowser and Luigi were near each other they would steal glances at each other but would quickly turn away. It was 11:43 when it started to rain. Roy was showing Luigi his action figures of great wrestlers in the kingdoms, but then he stopped when he heard the rain. After a few moments, the rain picked up lightly but no thunder. Roy then got really excited for some reason. ‘Alright! It's raining! Not Thundering! Let's go outside!” Luigi got extremely confused at this and when Kamek heard this he sighed and teleported an umbrella in his hand. 

“Are you a sure? Aren't you guys afraid of storms?” Luigi asked calmly, waiting for an answer.

“Nah! Only thunder storms with thunder and lighting! But it's just raining! King dad won’t mind!” Roy responded, he then got up and began to drag Luigi though the castle and out into the garden, Kamek followed along, and once they were outside in the rain, all the koopalings were there as well, playing in the rain, even Wendy was.

“C'mon Mr. Luigi! Play with us!” Wendy yelled to the green Plumber, after a confused look she continued “Hey! I may be the only one here with manners but you gotta let go and get dirty sometimes!” Wendy then began to just dance in the rain as the others chased each other or just sat down and let the rain pour on them. Luigi smiled at this and began playing with the other koopas, whether running around, dancing, or just letting the rain soak him. 

Watching all this, Kamek began to smile a bit, but kept pushing it all down. He still didn’t trust Luigi, but then someone got him out of his train of thought, thunder was heard and lightning struck. Kamek expected the Koopalings to run to him but when he looked over, they were all huddled together around Luigi. And what was he doing? The green plumber was comforting him, they were all tightly holding onto him and their claws could hurt him but he didn’t care. He just comforted them. Once he got them to get up, he walked them back inside. Kamek followed and watched, dumbfounded by this. 

Luigi proceeded to ask the guards for towels and get hot chocolate and blankets ready in the living room. Once Luigi was given the towels, he dried all the kids off and then himself. He continued to herd the children into the living room and they all got bundled up together in the blankets.  Usually it would take a hot minute for Kamek to get the children from running around the castle, causing mayhem since they were scared. Luigi walked over to the couch and sat down, the koopalings then huddled around Luigi once again as he put on a movie, and grabbed his own hot chocolate from the coffee table. 

Kamek was still amazed by this and floated over to his rocking chair, covered in pillows and blankets to make it comfortable. He sat down and then he realized there was one more hot chocolate left, all the koopalings had theirs. He picked it up and saw it was in his special mug. It was for him, he looked over at luigi who was watching the movie, then looked back down at the hot coco. Perhaps, he really wasn’t trying to cause any harm… perhaps, he is a good suitor for Bowser and the Koopalings.

[Heya guys, got news, I'm going to ve starting a new book soon. And no I'm not abandoning this one, I plan to finish this one. Anyways, this story will be for my readers who are into undertale! So I hope you enjoy the new story that will have the first couple chapters out soon! Love you guys, cya in the next update!]

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