Chapter 4: Caught red handed

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This continued on for a couple days, after training, or really whenever they could. They played games, talked, read, whatever the koopalings felt like doing but Luigi could never leave the room. Sometimes they even got their individual time with Luigi, they preferred him much over Princess Peach. There had been once or twice Bowser had told them to try and go socialize with Peach to get to know her but she always denied them and was kinda rude to them, so they just went to Luigi’s room. One day, Lemmy and Junior got an Idea and snuck into Luigi’s room. 

“What!? You know that's dangerous, what if we get caught!? I don’t think we should leave my room, kids.” 

“B-But- We will be really careful! Please! And- and it's a slow day today, there isn't any important royal stuff going on so a lot of the guards have the day off! Please Mr. Luigi!” Junior begged and Lemmy and him gave Luigi the puppy eyes. 

“Fine, fine! Just stop it with those eyes!” Luigi would sigh in utter defeat. “Just once place, and it has to be close to my room.” Junior and Lemmy high fived and grabbed Luigi’s hand before pulling him out of the room and sneaking around the halls. 

“Where are we going?..” Luigi whispered to the two. 

“The garden!” Junior loudly whispered back.

“You guys have a garden?!” Luigi quickly covered his mouth and Lemmy nodded at him while smiling. 

Once they arrived they were surrounded by a beautiful big garden. As they walked around the garden there would be sections of different colored flowers, they looked like the colors of the Koopalings hair. They continued walking in the garden before Lemmy stopped them and made grabby hands at Luigi. Junior looked shocked at this and Luigi just smiled and slowly picked up Lemmy, holding him. He then held out his hand to Junior who shook his head and happily took it. They continued walking and once they reached the center, there were all kinds of colorful flowers, no longer sectioned off. In some spots there were berries, and fruit trees. Finally there was a beautiful small pond, with a small man made waterfall. This was absolutely amazing, the frail green mario never knew the darklands could hold such beauty within it. He could hear the sounds of crickets, frogs, and other living animals. 

“Papa made this, it was a present for all of us. Each color represents one of his children aka us” Junior smiled proudly as Luigi was mesmerized by the beauty.

“Mamma Mia, Your father Bowser made this?!” He explained, he was quite surprised the King of Koopas could do this. Then again he held great love for his koopaling children, adoptive or not. Luigi admired that part of him, it was one of the few good qualities of him.

Meanwhile, with the King of Koopas himself, he was watching some of his children practice their magic with Kamek. He felt quite proud of them for how far along they have come. But, he noticed something off, Lemmy and Junior weren’t there. This concerned him, they were his two youngest, with Lemmy only being a year older then Junior. “Iggy, Roy, you two are incharge while you and your siblings are practicing magic. I'll be right back guys.”

“Okay papa but where are you going?” Iggy asked, while Roy looked back and continued. “Yeah! Where are you heading off to king dad?”

“To find Lemmy and Junior, now don’t go anywhere unless you tell Kamek” Bowser stated before heading off. 

He began to walk along the halls, checking the common rooms, play room, and kitchen. He then headed in the direction of their rooms. He started to get very worried so he decided to take a short cut and go through the garden. 

He had no idea what would be waiting for him within the garden. As he entered the garden, he looked around at all the flowers, it made him a bit calmer. But he needed to find his children fast, he was afraid that they might have gotten hurt, or worse. Once he entered the center part of the garden, he stopped in his tracks. Luigi was sitting down, holding Lemmy while Junior was trying to catch a frog. He didn’t think what was going on but all he knew was that his prisoner escaped and he had his children. This pissed him off, steam blew from his nose and he let out a loud roar. “D-dad?!” Junior yelled while getting up and looking at Bowser. Luigi saw him as well and quickly got up and set Lemmy down. “B-Bowser.. I..” Luigi muttered, he couldn’t get anything out. It was like something was stopping him from speaking. “Dad, wait! Let me explain!” Junior yelled out before getting cut off by Bowser. “Get behind me, you too Lemmy,” He said, clearly upset and pissed off. The two did as they were told and gave worried looks to each other, not knowing what Bowser will do to their new found green plumber friend.

Bowser picked up Luigi by his shirt and held him up like he was nothing. “How the fuck did you escape. Why did you have my children, why were you holding Lemmy? Did you trick them into letting you out?” He kept asking questions without giving time for Luigi to answer but even if he did, Luigi wouldn’t have been able to even mutter out and answer.

 “Well, since I can’t kill you, it's back to the dungeons for you,” Bowser then let out a low and evil chuckle accompanied with a grin. “Of Course.. Not without torturing you first before you go,” Junior and Lemmy gasped quietly. Within Lemmy’s mind, he was panicking, he wanted to shout and say something. He didn’t want the green man to get hurt. His presence was so nice, he didn’t feel uncomfortable around him, he wasn't loud or pushy, he tried to say something, to say anything but nothing was coming out. “DAD! WAIT PLEASE!” Junior began to shout. Everything was so loud, Lemmy pressed on his headphones. He had to say something, no he needed to.

[Yay this is a bit longer]

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