Chapter 6: Nightmares

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[TW: Do be cautious if you do not like the following topics, there is blood and wounds. Even so, just enjoy]

As the moon shined in the night, and the stars were bright. Almost everyone in the kingdoms, and foreign kingdoms were deep in slumber and dreaming peacefully. All except one person, the green mario brother. He had been leaning against the window cill, looking out into the quiet towns in the darland. The peace and quiet was Luigi’s favorite thing, he loved to watch wildlife, observe beautiful scenery, and just take in the day and night. It was the one time he could properly think, when he could think calm and happy thoughts.Luigi looked over at the clock next his bed and it read that it was 2:17 am. He supposed he should head to bed, even after relaxing for so long by looking out his window, he prayed his dreams would be nice tonight. He proceeded to get into his pajamas and put on his nightcap, he then picked up the candle stick and walked to his bed. He sat the candle down and got into the big comfy bed. He wrapped himself into the blanket and blew out the candle, waiting for slumber to take him over and bring him into the land of dreams.

Luigi opened his eyes and he noticed he was in the garden once again. The garden had to be his favorite place so far. He was about to get up but he felt something in his lap, so he looked down. Junior had been sleeping in his lap, cuddling against him, Luigi smiled at this and then noticed his hand being pulled. He looked over to see Wendy painting his nails. 

“Stay Still Mr. Luigi! Your nails will look fabulous once I’m done!” Wendy said, continuing to work on his nails. Luigi looked sound and Roy was showing Lemmy the frogs in the pond, Larry seemed to be making a flower crown, and Ludwig, Iggy, and Morton had been playing tag. Everything was so calming, Luigi felt so safe and.. At home.. For some odd reason. Suddenly, the sky got dark, the koopalings all began to get worried and or scared. 

“Hey, it's okay guys, maybe it's just going to rain?” Luigi said to try and calm everyone down. Then Ludwig spoke up, “Papa is coming..” with a small shudder in his voice. Luigi became confused and looked over to the entrance, he then saw Bowser coming in. Once he got a good look at him, his face showed nothing but fear. His teeth seemed sharper, as well as his claws. His hair was messed up and when he looked into his eyes he saw nothing but anger. The koopalings all looked scared and when Luigi looked down at Junior, he was awake and hugging onto Luigi. Bowser picked the green plumber up, making Junior let go and fall to the ground. 

“Papa no!” Screamed Larry, “Please don't hurt him!” Ludwig yelled, “Stop it dad!” Iggy shouted last. Everyone just stared at Bowser in fear.

“You're so weak.. No wonder you're a nobody..” Bowser growled quietly, smoke puffing out of his nose. He then hit Luigi, putting deep gash wounds into his chest. It hurt so much but Luigi couldn't scream. Bowser proceeded to drop Luigi and walk away like nothing happened. The koopalings on the other hand, were mortified, they quickly surrounded Luigi.

“Mr. Luigi got up! You're gonna be okay!” one yelled, sniffling and crying could be heard. “You can’t die on us!” Another shouted, They kept screaming at him with tears in their eyes but he couldn’t tell who was who because everything was so blurry. “WAKE UP!” one of them screamed finally. Luigi shot up in his bed, it was all a dream, he then looked over and Larry was holding a tray of food.

“L-larry?..” The frightened plumber muttered, as he remembered everything that happened in the dream. 

“Morning Mr. Luigi, I brought you breakfast” Larry said Happily, proceeding to show the tray of pancakes, a glass of milk, and some eggs.

“O-Oh.. Thank you a so much Larry.” Luigi said, patting Larry’s head and taking the tray.

“Are you okay Mr. Luigi?” Larry asked, tilting his head to the side, he must have noticed Luigi’s mood. 

“Um.. I’m a fine, I just had a nightmare is all” Luigi said, smiling weakly at the koopaling. 

“Well if you ever wanna talk about it I’m here! Dad says that if you talk about your nightmares you'll feel better!” Luigi smiled at this and took a bite of his pancakes.

“Thanks Larry, I’ll try and remember that.”

[Remeber I'm trying my best here- I'm trying to pick the best placed to set chapter dividers- so it's makes sence- Anyways I'm still writing this at school so I won't really be writing on the weekends- maybe publishing a chapter on like Saturdays-]

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