Chapter 9: ThunderStorms

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Everything was silent, nothing but awkward eye contact. Kamek then cleared his throat. “Mgh.. So.. you're courting Mario’s brother? The brother of our greatest enemy, aka Mario.” Kamek asked, stuttering through the parts that included Mario’s name.

“Well.. I’m still seeing if he is a good suitor, and if he passes, then… yes I’ll be courting him..” Bowser continued reluctantly.

“Mhm.. I see.. I see..” Kamek was quiet once again, as Bowser was waiting for his answer, filled with worry.

“I.. don’t approve..” Kamek said quietly, waiting for Bowser to say something.

“Wh-What?!” Bowser yelled, fury and anger began to boil within. Kamek expected this kind of response. “What do you mean Kamek!” His voice began to get louder with every breath and smoke began to flow out of his nose when he breathed out.

“S-sire.. I don’t mind that you are interested in men.. A-as you know I am gay as well, but I think it's irresponsible to court the brother of your enemy..” Kamek mumbled as he backed away from Bowser, in case he would try and hit something.

“WHY AM I EVEN ASKING YOU, I'M THE KING I DO WHAT I WANT” Bowser yelled with pure anger and hatred, but not directed at Kamek, directed at his words and response. Bowser stormed off and went into his room. His big bed, a desk, custom bathroom, wardrobe, a balcony, and his piano. He looked at his piano and remembered how he wrote and dedicated a song to peach. “I LOVE YOU! OHH, Peaches peaches pea-” Bagh! He thought, he cringed at that song. Bowser proceeded to take his shell off and flopped onto his bed. Most koopas wear pajamas once they take their shell off for bed, since the shell is kinda like clothes but Bowser didn’t. He just slept basically naked and it's not like anyone would see anything anyways, he is a reptile afterall.

The next thing Bowser heard was the small pitter patter of rain. The rain began to speed up, and soon thunder started. A thunderstorm must be passing by tonight, Bowser thought, his children were deadly afraid of the thunder, so he shifted in his bed and got ready for his children’s pitter patter of their feet, running into his room, but they never came. About 10 minutes had passed and now lightning would strike now and then, they hated lighting so where were they?

Bowser decided to get up, put on his robe, and head to his childrens rooms to check up on them. He first decided to head to Larry and Ludwig’s room. They shared one since they hated sleeping alone. They weren’t there, he headed to Roys, empty, Iggy room next, nothing to be found. He checked every one of his children’s rooms and they were all gone. This worried him, he then began to walk off to check other rooms but then he heard a sort of purring in Luigi’s room. Humans didn't pur as far as he knew, so he slowly and quietly walked to the door and creaked it open.

What he saw shocked him, all of his children were cuddled around Luigi and sleeping peacefully. They must have come to him when the storm started and he let them sleep with him. His heart began to beat at a fast pace while he looked into the room. The more he looked and talked with Luigi, especially when he was with his children. The more he wanted to make him a suitor and possibly even keep him here. Though he still had his doubts, he decided to wait a bit more. He will decide whether Luigi is a good suitor or not at another date, not today, he just wanted to enjoy this tonight. Luigi then yawned and sat up, Bowser panicked and closed the door as quietly and quickly as possible. Luigi saw small movement but shrugged it off and headed back to bed.  Bowser just sighed in relief on the other side of the door and headed back to his bedroom. He needed some rest, he had some meetings to attend to tomorrow and he didn’t need to be tired during them. So he took his robe off and plopped back down onto his big comfy bed. Letting slumber slowly take him away, and replace his tiredness with energy.

[Yay! Another chapter! I hope this chapter is another good one, enjoyyyy! I'll update like wednesday]

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